How many times did you make the statement “I’m going on a diet” and fail to achieve your weight loss goals? Over 60 percent of the adult population is considered overweight, with half of them considered obese. The good news is that you can lose weight and make this the last diet, one you keep for life.
Getting Started
Just like you plan other events in your life, making the decision to lose weight is also something you should plan for in advance. There are many reasons that taking this action will ensure positive benefits. First, it gives you a chance to remove unwanted foods from your fridge and cabinets and replace them with healthy alternatives. Secondly, it gives you a true start date, preparing your mind for the event. If you feel that this is not something you can do alone, no worries, there are many companies that specialize in health coaching to give you the boost of confidence to stay the course.
Avoid Eating Out
For at least the first month, until you condition your mind and body to new eating habits, it’s important to avoid eating out. Eating out puts you at risk, especially early on, of eating foods that will hinder your ability to stay steady with your weight loss. Additionally, the portion sizes are larger than you should consume. If you consume more calories than you burn off, you’ll gain weight.
Making Food Attractive
Making your food colorful gives it a positive viewing experience that can jump-start your diet in a good way. Try preparing foods that provide a colorful plate to make the meal appetizing from afar. You can do the same with desserts serving various fresh fruits of different shapes, colors and textures.
Hidden Calories
Excessive amounts of sugar, salt, butter, and gravies may satisfy your taste buds. However, they do nothing for your diet or your health. If you want to enhance the flavor of your food, try using condiments such as mustard, salsa, pesto and sauerkraut.
Eat Only When Hungry
Many people eat simply out of boredom or bad habits created over time. One example is a movie night where most people serve an extra-large buttery bowl of salted popcorn. Others find comfort in food when they feel anxious or depressed. In order to achieve your weight loss goals, you need to eat only when you are hungry. One way to stay on track is to drink water in between meals. It quenches your thirst, thwarts hunger and provides no additional calories.
Burning Calories
Your body is designed for motion. When you sit too much your legs ache due to a lack of circulation. Exercising for at least 30 minutes three to four times each week will help you burn fat, reduce calories and restore lean muscles to your body. Exercising when losing weight will also ensure that you don’t leave behind layers of sagging skin. The good news is that any type of exercise will work. You can join a gym, bike ride or swim laps around the pool.
Keeping the Drive Alive
Keeping the momentum going is a key component to achieving your weight loss goals. Weigh yourself each morning prior to eating so that you get an accurate weight. You should also keep a diary that contains your caloric intake, weight, measurements and pictures of your ongoing progress. This way when you encounter a weak moment, you can open the diary and see that the adopted healthy lifestyle is working.
A New Lifestyle
As you near your weight loss goals you can see that the new lifestyle is making you not only look better but also feel better too. You now have energy and are able to do more than you ever dreamed possible. You perform tasks easily, retain information and have less mental anguish. You feel good about yourself and you should.
Most diets don’t produce positive results because they are temporary. Changing your eating habits to promote long-term health is a life-long adoption.