Many of us could lose a pound or two, and it bothers us that we couldn’t. Some people seem to be fit and healthy with no effort, but it seems like an insurmountable challenge for those struggling to lose a few pounds. This is especially true if we have some issues that have to do with genetics – a double chin, perhaps, or those pesky love handles or flabby arms. You’ve probably done it before – a fad diet that seems to work only for a short time, and then you return to your former state. They say it’s not about dieting per se – it’s about changing your lifestyle. And there are a few strategies and techniques to help you along. What are those? Here are the top strategies and techniques for successful weight loss.
Eat more slowly and learn to enjoy your food
The first strategy you can employ is to eat more slowly and enjoy your food’s taste, flavour, and texture.
When you eat, you have to savour every bite of food – chew slowly and deliberately, and only go for foods you really like. Then once you have chewed up all the food, swallow slowly as well. This is a good technique because we only feel full after about 20 minutes of eating – so when you eat your food slowly, you’ll feel full before you know it.
Also, you should enjoy what you eat. Try out new foods – in other words, be adventurous. Perhaps there’s a new vegetable or fruit you haven’t tried yet. Maybe there’s a new recipe that you’d like to try, too. Add different spices and herbs to your meals. Don’t be afraid to experiment with food – there is an endless variety of ingredients worth trying at least once! Finally, when you eat, do it with pleasure – turn off the television, get off your phone, and focus on the food you are eating. If you do this, eating will be more pleasurable, and you’ll have a better relationship with food overall.
Try weight-lifting
Yes, we all know how important cardio exercise is to our bodies – and it’s crucial to do it as often as you can, about two to three times a week. If you’ve had fat-dissolving injections (such as Aqualyx), it’s even more important for you to maintain your body weight and keep those fat cells from returning! This is where lifting weights come in, too. Make it a point to lift weights about two to three times a week; you can start with moderate weights and then gradually shift to heavier weights. When you do two to three sets (with 10 – 15 repetitions), you can enhance your muscle mass and develop more toned abs, arms, glutes, and so on. When your body has more muscles, it is more than likely that the food you consume will be converted into fuel instead of fat.
Don’t forget to get enough sleep
We’re sure you’ve heard this before, but we can’t stress it enough – get more than enough sleep. When you don’t sleep enough, you will have increased levels of ghrelin – the hormone that dictates hunger. And worse, you will have higher levels of leptin – the hormone responsible for weight gain. Have you ever noticed that you tend to crave sweet and salty foods when you lack sleep? This is the culprit, and it’s
critical to have balanced, healthy hormones if you want to lose weight – and keep it off.
While there are many weight loss strategies available, private weight loss surgery is one option that has been shown to be safe and effective for patients who are experiencing obesity and its health consequences. However, it’s important to note that weight loss surgery should be considered a last resort after other methods, such as making small, achievable changes to your lifestyle, have been tried and failed.