Women’s health is Rita Trotter’s ultimate priority. With so many pulls on people’s lives, taking ownership of our health is crucial. GHP’s Fitness and Nutrition Awards takes a look at the brightest and best that the industry has to offer – and Rita is a sterling example of excellence!
“We’re all here to have an effect,” Rita Trotter tells us. “Some people look for the grand when it doesn’t need to be. My mission in life is simply to help as many women as I can, however I can.” Now set to act as a keynote speaker at the International Woman’s Congress in Paris on International Woman’s Day next year, it’s clear Rita’s words have helped many women, and are set to help many more. But where did that story begin?
It begins, of course, with how we see ourselves. Rita’s career is not as a public speaker, but as a health and fitness coach. The effect of our health on our wellbeing is enormous, but the image of someone who is healthy can be dispiriting. When you think of someone who is fit and healthy, an image will instantly come to mind of someone who has big biceps and shredded abs, who wakes up at five in the morning for a quick gym session, then goes after work for another hour or so to tone up. You think of people who watch every calorie and who track every ounce they gain or lose. Everybody’s ideal person is someone who couldn’t possibly exist.
And that’s not a fair image.
When Rita Trotter started up The Health and Fitness Coach, she knew that she would be offering something different. “Women have so many energetic pulls on their bodies and minds and so many responsibilities. We wanted to create a company that helped women simplify their health, taking ownership of it and being empowered to never need another weight loss programme or diet again.”
Now offering two flagship coaching services in the form of Health Mastery: 1 to 1 Premium Partnership and The Health Collective: Group Coaching, Rita has been able to build up a reputation that is second to none. Also offering annual retreats and business to business wellbeing seminars as well as workshops and events, there’s little that she doesn’t cover when it comes to ensuring enduring health and fitness for women. Every action she takes, every move made by the team at The Health and Fitness Coach, is designed to serve the needs of women.
“Our approach is based on one simple phrase,” she says with a smile. “You don’t need to lose weight to be happy, you need to be happy to lose weight.” This eye on wellness in the holistic sense is the driving force for what Rita does. Traditionally, health has been synonymous with fitness, but the mental health revolution has drawn a more nuanced image. “There has always been an idea that fitness is something you look like,” she explains. “There’s been a shift to fitness is something you are as opposed to fitness is something you look like. Health and fitness is a way of being, not a way of doing.”
It will come as little surprise, therefore, that Rita is not just a Personal Trainer. She is also a Nutrition Coach, Behaviour Change Specialist, Long Covid Rehabilitator, Hormone and Stress Specialist, Pre and Post Natal specialist, Health for Business Coach and a published author of three globally selling books. “My passion, work and philosophies focus on joy factors, on self-acceptance, physical and emotional cohesion and authentic wellness and I enjoy sharing my wisdoms for all that is connected to a successful and healthy life,” Rita tells us. “My foundation in health comes from witnessing a global need to help combat stress and boost health with a holistic approach. Gone are the days of manuals and dark rooms. Our programmes are robustly researched and my passion is to share these worldwide.”
As such, Rita’s systems are ones which can be applied to women in any circumstance. “We want to understand every single problem, hormonal imbalance, struggle and challenge that our clients face,” she explains, “so that we can help them understand the right way to overcome it for them. Men and women need different types of coaching, support and areas of focus, and we want to excel at what we do.”
A key differentiator from the competition is her unapologetic distain for diets. “It may seem like an anomaly coming from a health and fitness coach in the times that we’re living in, but all I’ve ever promoted is conscious eating,” she says. “The idea is to empower you to follow a healthy lifestyle as a way of life and not just when you are ‘on’ a diet. I’ve met, heard and experienced how the so-called diets crash and burn way too many times. Do not get into something if you cannot follow through. My approach is to find your body-fit happy place, not to desensitise your senses or kill you with a set of bone-breaking exercises. Once you learn that weight loss is very much possible without feeling overwhelmed and enjoying food freedom, there’s no turning back.”
It’s clear that Rita has managed to tap into a market that is on the rise, and has been for the last few years: “Many clients now are looking for more than just looking fit,” she tells us. “They are wanting a whole life approach through mental and emotional wellbeing as well as energy. They want to be more productive at work and more present with their families.” This holistic outlook on life, seeing how things fit together, has become more and more common since the COVID-19 outbreak of 2020. It has become easier to see the various connections between the often-disparate seeming parts of our lives.
Since the pandemic, an enormous shift has taken place within the health and fitness industry, with more and more people less concerned with how they look and more concerned about how they feel as a whole. “It means treating your body with the same respect that you would treat a meeting a work and so priorities have shifted.” Rita tells us. “No longer do people feel they have to go to a gym, because fitness no longer means just physique. People are starting to realise how unique they are and how unique their body is. This is why no programme is ever exactly the same. I would never produce a cookie-cutter programme, because no two women fit into the same mould.”
When we look at the career Rita Trotter has made, we look at a woman who has considered what women need in the society of today. She is driven to help them in whatever ways she can. What is clear is that her one-to-one sessions have been the springboard for even bigger outlets. She is currently building out a Life coaching programme that will run alongside the Health coaching programme and has many speaking engagements lined up, including acting as a keynote speaker at the International Woman’s Congress in Paris on International Woman’s Day in 2023.
People turn to Rita when they want to develop and when they want to take control. By focusing on the needs of women, she has been able to create a space perfectly suited to their needs. Rita’s tremendous success is something to be justly celebrated as it pushes boldly forward into new territory. We celebrate her amazing achievements, and look forward to seeing where her exciting career in the wellbeing sector takes her next!
For further information, please contact Rita Trotter or visit: www.thehealthandfitnesscoach.com