Many people dress weight loss up as this overly complicated thing. People seem to believe that they need to carefully plan every single meal out. They need to hire a personal trainer to devise an exercise regime. Weight loss isn’t complicated. It is slow, but it isn’t complicated.
On this page, we are going to tell you the three things that you need to be doing to lose fat efficiently. We just want to show that weight loss can be easy as long as you are armed with the right tools.
Weight Loss Isn’t a Fast Process
Right off the bat, we want to point out that weight loss isn’t going to be a fast process. It doesn’t even come close to being a quick process. Proper weight loss takes time.
We know that there are guides out there that claim that you can lose weight blisteringly fast. You can, to an extent. However, you will not be losing weight in the right way. You may lose weight quickly, but you will be doing so in a way that is detrimental to your health. Eventually, that weight will come back and you will have lost time.
Proper weight loss should shave off around 1-3 lbs per week, depending on how heavy you are when you start.
1. Creating a Caloric Deficit
People have written epic tomes on the ‘secret to weight loss’. They claim that they have the ultimate trick to hitting your weight loss goals. Guess what? We can sum up the secret of weight loss in a single sentence:
Burn more calories than you consume.
It really is as simple as that. If you are burning off more calories than you consume, then you will lose weight. You could stuff your face with double chocolate chip muffins every single day and, as long as you burn off all of those calories, you will lose weight. Although, as you will see later, it may not be wise to feast upon those double chocolate chip muffins frequently!
Everything you do burns calories. Right now you are burning calories. You may just be sitting down, but your internal organs are whirring away. Your brain needs energy. Your muscles need energy. You don’t have to move and you will burn off calories.
When you are losing weight, we suggest that you look up what your base calorie requirement is. This is something that will be different depending on your sex, age, weight, and height. If you consume fewer calories than this, then you will shed those excess pounds.
2. Getting Enough Exercise
As we said, you are going to be burning calories just by sitting there not really doing anything. You could lose weight without leaving your home. Although, this is going to be quite tricky. You would really have to plan your diet well, and the weight loss isn’t necessarily going to be that fast. This is where exercise comes in.
Daily exercise will speed up your calorie burn. Cardiovascular exercise (e.g. running, swimming, and cycling) will burn off more calories than strength training. However, ideally, you will want to do a bit of both.
Cardiovascular exercise will improve your overall fitness levels. You will be burning off calories quickly while boosting your heart health. Just 30 minutes per day can really help.
Strength training will boost your muscle mass. If you aren’t strength training when you lose weight, then you will likely lose muscle mass. This isn’t a great look. Strength training can help to bulk you up and prevent loose skin (although, you likely will have some loose skin due to the weight loss).
Remember, exercise burns calories.
In the previous section, we said that you would need to look up your base calorie requirement. This is how many calories you burn just by existing. You will then add the calories that you burn from exercise to this. Your goal, once again, is to consume fewer calories than this. That leads us neatly to the last section.
3. Nutrition and Supplement Intake
You can’t lose weight by starving yourself. It isn’t healthy. We know that some people do it, but it really isn’t a great long-term method. Most people that lose weight by starving themselves don’t do it in a safe way. Almost everybody will put the weight that they lost back on.
By now, you should already know that losing weight is about consuming fewer calories than you burn. In theory, you could eat anything that you like and lose weight, assuming that you stick to this rule. However, that also isn’t healthy. Your body needs nutrients. This means ensuring that you have a balanced diet.
Get healthy foods into your diet (lots of fruit, vegetables, and lean meats). Not only will you feel better, but you will be consuming far fewer calories.
We also suggest that you look into the idea of nutritional supplements. Many of them have been designed to make weight loss a little bit easier. They can also add a few extra nutrients to your diet which, of course, means that you have to think less about your overall diet. You can just focus on burning off calories.
Remember, if you are going to go down the supplement route, you should always take the time to choose the right supplements. Choose something that reviews well. One of our favourite brands is Huge Supplements, as they’re known to put a lot of effort into formulating their supplements, especially fat burners.
Final Thoughts
There you have it. Losing fat efficiently isn’t hard. Consume fewer calories than you burn and you are well on your way toward getting the body that you want.
We suggest that you grab some quality weight loss supplements to make your weight loss journey a little bit easier.