Meditation is a practice found in many ancient religions. The earliest records of meditation can be traced back to Hinduism, approximately 1500 BCE. Taoist and Buddhist traditions also record meditating as a critical practice. The practice of meditation is taught in many religious schools and is believed to be an essential aspect of spiritual pursuit.

Today, meditation has transcended from religious practice to a way of life. Many people now consider meditation to be an integral aspect of overall health, and this isn’t surprising considering the potential benefits to physique. 

Meditation will improve both physical and mental aspects of the body. Meditating regularly can help with the following:


1. Stress Management

Frequent meditation can help to ease signs of stress. A study on the effects of meditation on individuals who experience post-traumatic stress disorder shows that meditating can help to improve stress symptoms associated with past trauma.

Practicing how to be more mindful can help you to navigate stress more logically. It’ll allow your mind to adapt to stressful situations more easily and lessen their negative impact on the body. Regular meditation can help you to understand your surroundings, which will guide you in dealing with situations that affect your mental state.


2. Self-Awareness

Regular practice of meditation can increase one’s self-awareness. Heightened awareness of the self means being more in touch with your feelings and senses, as well as understanding your own nature.

Many who venture into meditation can improve their self-awareness with a healthy and open third eye. The third eye opening benefits an individual by increasing their sense of self and awareness of their surroundings

It’ll lead to a realization that your existence is part of something much bigger, allowing you to be more mindful. It will also provide a better sense of purpose and intuition. Meditation’s benefits extend to both the spiritual and physical aspects of life. Those who pursue a greater purpose in life practice meditation to achieve higher states of consciousness.


3. Mental health

Meditation also helps to improve your mental health. It can enhance certain brain functions, and ease mental conditions. Regular meditation can influence your:

  • Attention Span

It’s very easy to get distracted, especially when you have a lot on your mind. The practice of meditation can serve as a mental exercise to help you focus and achieve mental clarity. Training the mind to redirect thoughts or ignore unnecessary ones can help to increase your attention span.

  • Anxiety and Depression

Frequent meditation can help reduce your stress levels, and as a result, lessen anxiety. Activities such as yoga, which incorporates breathing exercises and meditation practices, can help people to reduce anxiety. Developing mindfulness through meditation allows you to handle your thoughts better, resulting in lower levels of anxiety. Those who suffer from depression can also benefit from meditation by practicing breathing exercises and redirecting the mind to focus on the present.

  • Memory

Since meditation can also be seen as a workout for your brain, the habitual practice can improve information retention. Meditating can also help in fighting age-related memory loss and improving the memory of patients who suffer from dementia.

  • Concentration

Those who practice meditation also develop better levels of concentration. This is because the mind is more acquainted with handling stress, therefore learning how to respond to it with a clearer perspective. Meditating regularly will result in a more focused thought process.


4. Sleep

It can be difficult for some to sleep, with many things running through their mind. You may find it hard to get a good night’s rest when your head is filled with thoughts. Those who have insomnia can benefit significantly from consistent meditation.

Meditation is believed to improve your sleep health. It helps you to control or redirect your thoughts and to calm your mind prior to bedtime. In addition, meditating will also help you to relax your body and release tension, which contributes to better sleep quality.


5. Circulatory System

Regular practice of meditation can help to lower high blood pressure and improve cardiac health. The combined activity of mindfulness meditation and breathing exercises associated with meditating can help to steady blood flow in the body. Through constant practice, the act of meditating will result in healthier overall physiology.


6. Pain Management

How you perceive pain is related to your state of mind. Meditation can help to increase your pain tolerance by developing your mind. Chronic pain can also be managed through the practice of meditation.

Perceived intensity of pain can lessen for those who meditate regularly. Overall, your mental state plays a crucial part in how much pain you can handle. With proper conditioning of the mind, pain can be managed better.


How To Start Meditating?

Some forms of meditation are incorporated into physical activities such as yoga and tai chi. These practices combine the training of the mind and body. Breathing exercises and mindfulness of your physical self are also critical for a more purposeful meditation.

If you want to start meditating, you can always do so from the comfort of your own home. Most practices do not require any equipment or huge spaces, and only take up a few minutes of your day. You should try these two common meditation practices:

  • Focused-Attention: This type of meditation allows you to focus on one thing. It can be a single object, thought or mental image. This practice stresses the importance of ridding your mind of distraction. By concentrating on one thing, you’ll develop focus and clarity.
  • Open-Monitoring: This style advocates mindfulness. This encourages you to be more aware of your surroundings, and to be more in touch with your sense of self. It will allow you to connect with your thoughts and emotions.


Take Away

The benefits of meditation go beyond controlling your thoughts. It’s a dedicated practice that allows the body and mind to be in harmony.

Remember that with meditation, you are working towards understanding your mind’s depths to get a better sense of your existence. It advocates mindfulness of your surroundings, which allows you to live in the present with a much clearer perspective on life. It’s a rewarding practice that promotes the overall wellness of an individual.