The beverage industry needs to change with the times, and demands of its consumers, to make it easier for people to enjoy the drinks they like best. Established in 2006, ViCAP Global AG (ViCAP) is a pioneer with a wealth of experience in the beverage packaging industry. ViCAP has, since its formation, partnered with KA-EX’s fine research team, under ETH pharmacist Pedro Pablo Schmidt, to create the one and only functional drink which will elevate the beverage industry. Here we talk to KA-EX CEO, Pedro Schmidt and to ViCAP’s CEO, Roger Franz Wilfinger, as it cinches its title in the Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Awards 2023.
“We revolutionise the beverage industry.”
Finding the best drink for our health can be a tough endeavour. As our brains and bodies do the most healing overnight, it’s of utmost importance that we find active ingredients that both encourage healing and strength building overnight in addition to throughout the day. There are plenty of sports/health drinks out there, with vital nutrients, which can improve our health both mentally and physically. However, with their suspension in water, they can have short shelf lives and less effectiveness than if they were stored in a different way.
ViCAP is a Swiss-based visionary for the modern development of beverage packaging. With its invention of the world’s first dispenser sports-cap system, ViCAP has exploded into the market and taken it by storm.
The company has worked tirelessly to create a solution where precious active ingredients can stay separated from the liquid within the bottle, so that they can be at their most fresh and effective when we’re ready to consume them. ViCAP’s dispenser sports-cap system will make it possible for companies to evolve and expand their already impressive and highly sought-after product lines, in order to thrive and satisfy every consumer with pioneering beverages. ViCAP’s beverage solutions guarantee the best storage and the most innovative way to protect vital ingredients from packaging all the way to consumption.
As head of ViCAP, Roger Franz Wilfinger strives to support the company that has been built for the advancement and progression of the industry. From research to the patented product, Roger, and the team, ensure that every aspect is taken care of with utmost professionalism and care. He says, “Our goal is to innovate and create the most effective dispenser cap system, founding a new revolution in beverage packaging. The development process was completed, and the technology obtained a patent. ViCAP is set to become a key component in several future successful stories within the functional beverage industry.”
ViCAP aims to break down barriers between short shelf life products and the end consumers’ satisfaction and health, ensuring that every bit of the nutrients can be absorbed and used by the individual.
Roger shares, “The idea to develop a functional sports cap emerged when Aqua Nova introduced a drink containing Q12. The challenge with this beverage was its limited shelf life due to the gradual loss of effectiveness of vitamins and other sensitive ingredients over time, when mixed with water.”
The push-cap technology has been expertly designed to differentiate from ViCAP’s rivals. With separate storage for water and the active ingredients, our healthy and nutritious beverages can have a longer shelf life and better efficiency when we consume them.
Furthermore, the cap itself is “air-tight, UV-protected, and helps to protect the acidic from alkaline ingredients which would cancel themselves out otherwise, if dispersed in liquid over a long period of time before consumption.”
By segregating active ingredients and water in separate compartments within the bottle, ViCapSystems promises freshness and the most nourishing version of sports drinks available on the market. After partnering with KA-EX, developed by pharmacist Pedro Schmidt, the duo underwent a five-year timeline of analysing and researching. Roger tells us, “KA-EX was developed in five years of research and supports dozens of relevant bioprocesses simultaneously and synchronously. The holistic approach, based on 25 natural ingredients, is unique and patent pending worldwide.”
Pedro Schmidt says: “There has been a huge amount of qualitative and quantitative research that has gone into sharpening the revolutionary idea. Indeed, the future of the beverage industry is set to grow exponentially with the power and potency of the health drinks. The clinically tested substances shield the body from toxic damage, thereby preventing micro-inflammations. Furthermore, the ingredients reduce hyper-acidity, normalise the stress hormone level, and improve sleep quality. KA-EX was launched without any marketing budget in September 2017, and is today a best-selling dietary supplement in Switzerland, available in all pharmacies, drugstores, supermarket chains, convenience stores, online, and many more.”
KA-EX and ViCAP’s partnership has made ViCapSystems possible, and cultivated an environment of progression for the beverage industry as a whole. Roger comments, “In today’s fast-paced world, innovation drives progress and change. Among our top priorities is our health, with a focus on balance and an active lifestyle. KA-EX endorses health-conscious, informed choices for quality living. “
Pedro Schmidt says, “Embracing innovation, curiosity ,and science, we strive for providing a top-quality product based on scientific ingredients that create a synergy for optimising the recovery in an active and social lifestyle. Due to these values, we do not compromise in regards of quality, innovation, and scientific backing in order to provide the best functional beverage on the market currently.”
KA-EX’s functional beverages made their debut in the autumn of 2017, across 15 pharmacies, and the journey kicked off to a terrific start. The beverages became Switzerland’s top-selling dietary supplements on the market, making the partnership even more valuable to the industry, and, therefore, consumer. The pandemic put a stop to many plans and products however, due to the power of the supplements, KA-EX’s supplement sales continued to skyrocket – proving that health and wellness will always be a top priority within society.
Together with KA-EX, ViCAP and its patented product is about to transform the realm of health and fitness. Its USP is rooted in its dedication and commitment to revolutionising the world of healthy drinks, and its devotion has earned itself a pedestal in the spotlight. Roger tells us, “ViCAP and KA-EX represent groundbreaking advancements in their respective fields of functional beverages.” Of course, this is a distinction that has consistently driven both companies to their brilliant success. As a result, together they have created a product that will, ultimately, help people’s healthy lifestyles to flourish better than ever before.
This partnership has created a strong, unwavering dedication to quality and health of the end consumer, making ViCAP one to watch within the industry. Its specific, and niche, product is set to change the pace of the nutritional drinks sector, improving everyone’s overall mental and physical health for the years to come.
When previously interviewed by another host, Roger explained the key elements of why ViCAP was established, and what he believes ViCAP will bring to the future:
Let’s start from the beginning. What were your motivations and inspiration for creating ViCAP?
Roger Franz: Embarking on a journey in the business world had always been my dream. At the time when I founded ViCAP, I noticed that the non-alcoholic beverage market held immense growth potential, especially considering evolving consumer preferences and the demand for quality products. This inspired me to establish a company that would offer innovative solutions in this field.
What challenges did you face when starting the company?
Roger Franz: Like any entrepreneur, I encountered significant challenges. Launching a new business from scratch always involves risks and uncertainties. We had to overcome financial and organisational barriers, as well as convince partners and investors of the potential of our idea.
What were the key moments that helped ViCAP achieve success?
Roger Franz: Forming a strong team was one of the pivotal moments. I believed that success depended not only on me but on the collective efforts of all team members. We focused on product quality, innovation, and understanding the needs of our customers. This helped us grow into a quality player in the market.
How do you envision the future of ViCAP?
Roger Franz: I look confidently towards ViCAP’s future. We continue to invest in research and development, seeking new ways to improve our products and create unique solutions. Our goal is not only to remain leaders in the industry but also to inspire innovation throughout the sector.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Roger and Pedro. It was insightful and inspiring.
Roger Franz: Thank you very much for the invitation. I hope our experience will assist other entrepreneurs and inspire new achievements.
By creating the world’s first sports-cap system, the business has pushed itself to the forefront of the industry. Its work hasn’t gone unnoticed, and we’re sure to see it continue to work its magic for the greater good of the beverage companies and end consumer’s health. This is exactly why it has been awarded with the title of Healthcare-Focused Beverage Packaging Innovator of the Year 2023 – Switzerland.
For the future, ViCAP and KA-EX are looking to replicate the success of the product in the USA. Pedro shares, “With the vast potential that the U.S. market offers, there’s an anticipation of great success. KA-EX’s U.S. launch strategy is meticulously planned across three distinct phases.”
Phase one consisted of the feasibility study, which was a great success. Pedro says, “Our achievements led us to integrate into the MISTA startup ecosystem, with the backing of food industry giants like Givaudan and Danone. Notably, KA-EX was invited as the sole European startup to the investor meeting of the Nutrition Capital Network (NCN) in San Francisco, a network encompassing prominent corporate venture capitalists in the U.S. food sector, including Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and other esteemed names. Moreover, we’ve proudly been recognised as the official supplier to the prestigious House of Athletes in Florida, a training facility frequented by NFL and MLB stars.”
Phase two entails the initial reveal of the ViCapSystems product with a “modest marketing budget”. This is where ViCAP presents its work to the world, and it is projected to last until around February 2024, when the patented product is predicted to complete the proof of concept phase.
Phase three is the final step in the journey as ViCAP plans to take the product to market in March 2024 – where it will surely pick up traction across the market. Pedro adds, “With a goal in mind, we are actively fundraising, and have already secured $2.2 million out of our $5 million target. This capital will drive our dynamic go-to-market strategy, ensuring that KA-EX not only enters but thrives in the American market.”
Soon after the successful implementation of the product in the USA, we’re confident that the rest of the world will want a slice of the action. If you would like to know more about the final product – soon to be seen on the shelves – please visit https://vicapsystems.eu/.
In the meantime, Roger leaves us with a few words. “I am delighted to share some insights about the journey of ViCAP, a project that holds a special place in my heart. ViCAP is not just a result of my efforts; it has been a collaborative endeavour that wouldn’t have been possible without the dedication and contributions of an exceptional team.
“ViCAP represents the culmination of teamwork and innovation. It reflects the collective strength and expertise of a group of individuals who are passionate about creating solutions that matter. I want to emphasise that I didn’t embark on this journey alone. From its inception, ViCAP has been nurtured by a strong and productive team.
“I would like to express my gratitude to Engineer Martin Schmid, our longstanding production innovation partner from MONTFORT Kunststoffechnik. His engineering prowess and commitment have played a crucial role in bringing ViCAP to life. Additionally, I extend my thanks to Prof. Florin Baeriswyl from dai-Desion, who has provided his strategic insights to our project.
“Furthermore, I would like to sincerely thank Aiste Miliute, the CEO of Birštonas Mineral Water, for her valuable contribution to our Strategic Partnership Development. Her ideas have had a significant impact on the development of our strategic partnership.
“Their contributions have been invaluable in shaping the direction of ViCAP. At ViCAP, we believe that a strong team leads to excellent results. Our collaboration is based on mutual respect, shared goals, and a commitment to excellence. Together, we have overcome challenges, harnessed opportunities, and forged a path that aligns with our vision.”