When we’re stressed about things, it is really easy to ignore the issues that feel like they could make our lives more stressful if we acknowledged them. Who has got time to worry about a potentially serious health issue when the pandemic has been making us panic about our health, our family’s wellbeing, our jobs, our finances and our future? While looking the other way and pretending that you haven’t noticed may carry you through a day or two, these nagging health issues will keep you up at night and, contrary to what you might tell yourself, they almost certainly won’t go away if you just stop thinking about them.

As the world is starting to open back up and go back to normal, we all have a little more room to breathe and take stock. So, make now the time that you address those problems that you have been doing your best to push to the back of your mind. Here are just a few examples of symptoms that you should never ignore.


Feeling Tired All The Time

Let’s start with a health issue that can be a little too easy to chalk up to external factors. If you are struggling with fatigue constantly, you might look to a number of reasons for an explanation. You might be drinking too much caffeine, or you might be spending too long on your screens before bedtime. Maybe you’re not getting as much exercise as you used to, and you think things will be better once you start working up a sweat on a regular basis. Maybe you’re one of the huge number of people who have found sleeping particularly tough during the pandemic.

However, while any or all of these factors may be contributing to your tiredness, fatigue can also be a symptom of other physical or mental health issues. If you have noticed that you are struggling no matter what you cut out of your diet or how much exercise you, then it’s time to seek help.


Shortness Of Breath And Chest Pain

As we get older, we all start to find it more of an effort to get out there and stay active, and to maintain the same levels of fitness as we used to. The run that we used to finish without breaking a sweat is suddenly something that our legs and lungs will be complaining about for hours afterwards. But there’s a difference between finding a long bike ride more of a stretch and noticing that you’re getting out of breath when you’re walking to work or climbing the stairs at home. This problem is often ignored for several reasons that can range from pride to worry about what the root cause might be, but this is a serious issue that needs addressing.

Long-term shortness of breath can be caused by obesity or asthma that hasn’t been treated properly. A sudden onset of breathlessness can be a sign that something is seriously wrong with your airways, lungs or heart. It can also be a symptom of anxiety, part of a panic attack. If you find that you are feeling short of breath, don’t delay in seeking medical advice.

Similarly, we would all call an ambulance if we felt a sudden severe chest pain, but you shouldn’t ignore those pangs that feel more like heartburn or indigestion. If you find yourself suffering from these pains with no clear explanation, call your GP and be ready to explain in detail precisely what you are feeling. There are 450 deaths in the UK every day from a heart or circulatory disease, and more than 100,000 people are taken into hospital having suffered a heart attack. Don’t ignore the warning signs.


Gas, Stomach Bloat And Diarrhoea

We have all had the experience of eating a meal that is a little outside our comfort zone and having our stomach react badly. Many of us know that certain foods will prompt a reaction if we don’t eat them in moderation. There are several digestive issues that a lot of us simply to choose to ignore, sometimes because it feels like finding out what is causing them is more trouble than it’s worth.

But there is absolutely no reason to put yourself through painful issues such as the ones listed above, not to mention vomiting, heartburn, stomach pain and cramps. It is, in fact, very easy to discern the cause of these problems by conducting a test to see if you have an intolerance to food of some kind. A food intolerance test works by IgG antibody levels (that’s Immunoglobin G) against a broad range of foods and drinks. Check My Body Health offers two kinds of IgG Food Intolerance Tests with results in just three days, so you can discover what it is that is causing you pain and cut it out of your diet.

It is important to note that these symptoms can be a sign of other medical issues and if you are in any doubt, contact your GP.


Erectile Dysfunction

Many people choose to ignore erectile dysfunction. This is often due to the fact there is still a real stigma around the condition, a sense that this is a health condition to be embarrassed about. Well, not only is erectile dysfunction an extremely common issue for men, especially as they start to get older, but it can also be a warning sign for a bigger problem. Issues such as high blood pressure and cholesterol can contribute, and this may be an indicator that there are some lifestyle changes that you need to make. If you are drinking an excess of alcohol or if you are a smoker, for example, that can be a factor. As you might expect given these potential causes, erectile dysfunction can be a sign that you are on the way to more serious heart conditions.

It is also important to note the mental health factors that can accompany erectile dysfunction. Stress and anxiety can be contributing factors, and they can get worse if you don’t talk to someone about this issue. If you are suffering from erectile dysfunction, remember that it is common and treatable, and talk to your GP about how you can move forward.


Adult Incontinence

This is another health issue that some people find it hard to talk about, and which comes with a stigma. And again, this is an issue that people would feel much less self-conscious about if we talked more about just how many people suffer from it. Adult incontinence is far from uncommon and there are a wide range of different causes. It can be a result of surgery, a side-effect of certain medications, or it can be a consequence of lifestyle choices such as too much alcohol or caffeine.

The most important thing to remember is that there is absolutely no reason to suffer through it in silence. There are treatments available that range from muscle exercises that your GP can talk you through to more drastic surgical options. It can be incredibly difficult to be worrying about this issue while you are out with friends or at work and being scared that it will strike. Don’t delay in talking to your doctor about how you can start to address it.