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Personal Health & Social Care

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A Harley Street Doctor Reveals the Winter…

With winter fast approaching, we can’t help but start to worry about our skin. The cold weather combined with harsh…

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Living Well with Eczema

10% of adults around the world suffer with the skin condition that is known as eczema, including 1.3 million in…

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Technology Is Playing a Transformational Role in…

Community based healthcare is as old as the neighbourhoods it serves. Traditionally, it was the role of nuclear families to…

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4 Ways to Tell if a Nursing…

One of the hardest but necessary things that one has to do in life is make the tough decision of…

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What Bottling Up Stress Does to Small…

Small businesses flourish when employees are at their best, however research shows that an alarming 96% of owners admit to…

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How Common Are Birth Injuries – And…

After nine months of carrying a pregnancy, most mothers and family members often wait to welcome a bouncing baby. Thanks…

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7 Tips for a Speedy Recovery After…

Recovering after a car accident takes time and requires proper care. The impact of injuries varies from one accident to…

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The 5 Most Common Pedestrian injuries that…

When you’re in a sudden accident, the devastating toll that’s taken on your body and mind is no joke. Even…

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Feet Care 101: 6 Tips To Get…

Your feet are as important as any part of your body. Without them, you won't be able to walk or…

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