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Fitness & Nutrition

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The Positive Effects of Organic Cotton Bedding…

Switching to organic cotton bedding is the first step towards a healthy environment and happy home. We spend a third…

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What Can You Expect In Perimenopause And…

Starting the menopause might seem like a daunting prospect after having become accustomed to managing your menstrual flow each month,…

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Unique Things That Are Proven to Boost…

If you're feeling gloomy or sad, how can you boost your mood? While you might turn to your bed or…

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“Sport Was My Way Out” – Paralympic…

Paralympic gold-medallist Hannah Cockroft MBE says she wishes she had “found disability sport sooner” and calls for sports facilities around…

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Is there a way to cope with…

Loneliness has a large presence amongst the older generations. It is evident that many elderly people are without sufficient company…

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Household Renovations to Improve Your Health in…

When a new year dawns, resolutions abound – and January becomes a month of gym visits, healthier shopping carts, and…

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5 Natural Ways to Treat Illness

There are countless medical treatments for common and rare illnesses alike, a lot of which you can buy over the…

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The Phobias That Cause Misery for Millions…

While for many Valentine’s Day represents a day of romance, flowers and affection for others the 14th of February is…

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What Are the Best Ways to Combat…

When you’re in the middle of an episode or panic attack feeling as if there is no escape and like…

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