You want to stay healthy in college to have the energy you need for your studies, extracurricular activities, and other things. Most college students don’t remember they should eat well to sustain their bodies, so sometimes the burnout is a reminder.

When clean eating is mentioned, most of us think of rainbows on our plates – those multi-coloured veggies and whole-wheat breads that are not always realistic for a college student with little time for a meal. Good news: while veggies are perfect, you don’t have to ditch the food you love.

Here are some things you can start doing to improve life quality.

1. Eat Nourishing Foods

Food keeps you fresher, better, nourished, and we should try to get as much of that as possible. “Some fast food options are okay, too, if you have them in moderation” says Joan Skimmer, a nutrition expert blogger who also works as a writer for PapersOwl. He adds: “We always demonize them, but maybe we should say that they are best paired with some veggies and healthy drinks and that we don’t have to binge on them every day”.

A balanced meal consists of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, and you want your daily dose of vitamins to boost your immunity for keeping you in perfect health.

2. Move Your Body

Some positive pressure is recommended for physical and mental wellbeing. You could do it alone or get some friends to join you. It doesn’t have to be anything drastic: walks, running, yoga, HIIT, or weight-lifting three times a week could be all the change you need. Cardio is excellent for the heart, and it comes with the benefit of making you look great.

3. Create “Time for You” Routines

School life stress sneaks up on you sometimes, so find something that is good for your internal strength on campus. You are almost always surrounded by others, so you may want to get some space where you quiet the noise and revel in the silence of your thoughts. Get a chill spot to read a book, journal, and even meditate alone.

4. Drink Your Water

Some habits are beneficial, such as drinking enough water daily. You will need to space it out ideally so you don’t feel uncomfortable. The skin starts glowing, you sleep better, and your thoughts are clearer just from hydrating. Some people joke it is the cheapest skincare in the world, and they are not wrong.

5. Catch Some Sleep

We talk about meals so much that we forget how our sleep patterns affect our moods. It’s not always easy to sleep the required eight hours, but you can try to get as much as possible. Ways to make that happen include freeing the mind as bedtime approaches, cutting off caffeine, and drinking teas that allow the brain to go into a nice Zen. You will always have your day and be in the mood for learning after you are well-rested.

6. Meditate or Walk

Not many can still their minds enough to meditate, but practice brings some progress. You can try a few things to see what will make you feel relaxed, including long walks. When you figure out the one thing that brings you back to equilibrium, schedule it and do it routinely as part of your self-care. A few steps a day could be a great way for you to stay healthy in college as a student.

7. Create Healthy Friendships

Even when school work demands too much, don’t forget to be a social bee. When you give yourself a break to become a part of a community, you will have people to take the load off you when you need a good laugh. Friendships made at college last a lifetime for most as they are formed at the point where you are mature enough to know what you want from pals.


Selfcare is a high form of self-respect as it means you value yourself enough to take the time to look out for yourself. You want to set some goals for things such as exercise, food, and internal breaks to achieve the preferred version of yourself. You could start with daily steps, then drop that extra cup of coffee, ditch a bit of sugar, add a vegetable a day for a week, and so forth. Better food and hydration impact your sleeping patterns positively, and before you know it, you could be prepping for a half-marathon!