When it comes to fitness, the first thing that comes to mind is going to the gym to achieve a great workout, but in reality, you don’t have to leave the house and spend much to build endurance, burn calories, and increase strength. You can do all of these just by staying in the comfort of your home. All you have to do is find the right motivation, be knowledgeable about executing different exercises, and stay consistent to see progress.

Your fitness journey is not just about finding the right type of exercise for your body, but there are also other things to consider. One of which is to ensure that your fitness program is directed towards improving your lifestyle, without causing injury and other side effects to your body due to poorly executed exercises. Here are some tips to keep in mind before starting your exercise routines at home:


1. Set a Goal

Aside from the goal of staying healthy and fit, you also have to ensure that you’re committed to your workout routines. This is why it’s important to set specific goals and identify the possible results. For example, you can set the goal of losing at least 15 pounds in a month, and you can achieve that through strength training and toning up. This will also help reduce the risk of obesity and other weight problems. To ensure that your goal is attainable, it should be measurable and time bound.

When you’re still starting out, it’s normal to feel that your goal may seem unrealistic and hard to achieve—that’s why you need to develop the right attitude to stay motivated. When you don’t set a goal, there’s a possibility you’ll be easily discouraged especially when progress is slow-paced. Keep in mind that the results don’t happen overnight, and you need to have patience and determination to attain your objectives.


2. Don’t Worry About Gym Equipment

One of the reasons some people tend to be more active when working out in the gym is because of the equipment they use. When you exercise at home, it’s expected for you to have limited resources—and you’ll have to look for other means to achieve a gym-like workout at home. You can exercise without any equipment by watching workout videos on YouTube.

If you have the budget, it’s good to have exercising accessories like hand weights and rubber hex dumbbells that may stimulate muscle growth while doing various kinds of exercises, including cardio. You can also be resourceful by using bottles filled with water or stones to have an added resistance to your workout.


3. Get a Physical Examination

To ensure that you’re physically fit to do a workout routine at home, you need to see your physician or physical therapist. If you have conditions such as arthritis, joint disease, or even heart ailments, it’s important to get a clearance from your doctor so that your condition will not worsen.

If you have an underlying physical condition, your physical therapist may recommend exercises suitable for you. When you exercise at home, no one will supervise and point out whether you’re executing the workouts properly, which may lead to injuries. Getting a physical examination is an excellent way to start preparing for your workout program and knowing the right kind of workout for your body.


4. Track Your Fitness Progress

There are different ways to track your progress while exercising at home. You may determine your ideal weight and measure your hips, thighs, or biceps to ensure you’re on the right track. Keep in mind that a rapid loss of weight may pose risks to your body. It’s also not ideal to measure your body every day since body weight may fluctuate by a few pounds daily for some reason and cause confusion on your part.

Another simple way to track your fitness progress is to keep a workout journal. Your workout journal will show if you’re consistently keeping up with your exercise routines and fitness goals. Your journal should also consist of the workout routines you perform every week.


5. Start an Exercise Routine and Stick to It

To prevent muscle strain caused by over-exercising, it’s essential to follow an exercise routine you can perform properly. When you do your exercise at home, remember to follow the five components of a fitness program: warm-up, cardio workout, strength-building exercises, flexibility exercises, and cool down. Don’t forget to warm up before proceeding with the exercise properly. Warm-up exercises help stretch the different muscle groups in your body for them to be more flexible.

The incorporation of a cardio workout into your routine for about 10-15 minutes is how calories and fats are burned. Strength-building exercises are for resistance and tone building. These may include push-ups, crunches, and squats.

To prevent muscle stiffness after a workout, include stretching exercises for your legs, thighs, arms, back, and head. Before ending your exercise session, do cool-down exercises for at least 10 minutes to allow the muscles to relax.


6. Switch Things Up

When you perform physical activities with dedication over time, you’ll eventually get healthier and more fit, but you may develop workout boredom that can affect your progress and cause a weight-loss plateau. It’s ideal to change your workout routine every two weeks depending on your consistency in exercising.

It’s important to change your physical activity regularly because when you get too comfortable doing a certain activity, your progress will also slow down.  Aside from doing exercises, you may also incorporate dancing, yoga, running, and other activities you can do at home, just to add variety to your routine. Look for ways to make your workout routine fun and exciting and boost your motivation.


Final Thoughts

The effects of exercising at home and the gym are the same as long as you put in extra effort and determination into your self-made fitness program. When you decide to exercise at home, remember to set a goal, ensure you’re physically and mentally prepared, stay keen in monitoring your progress, be resourceful in creating your workout routine even without equipment, and incorporate variety into your exercises to avoid weight loss plateau.

To achieve your fitness and health goals at home, don’t forget to have fun. This will spark your motivation even without the assistance of a gym instructor.