Marijuana is a beautifully complex and full-spectrum plant, there’s no way around that. Over the past decade, while cannabis became a substance that’s no longer socially rejected and it grew into the hearts of even those who once were completely against its use, the doors were opened for this plant to prove the wide range of benefits it can provide. As many countries have made way for scientific studies and research on cannabis to be led, everyday new uses are found for these plants’ products.
In the beginning, cannabis was mostly associated with its benefits from the medical field, either for its anti-inflammatory or analgesic properties, but there’s so much more to marijuana use than that. And while smoking weed may not be the healthiest of them consumption methods, there are indeed other healthy ways of ingesting it and benefiting from its great qualities. Here are 5 different ways in which including cannabis to your diet can result in amazing health benefits that don’t involve smoking it.
1. Vaping Cannabis
One of the best ways of consuming cannabis and feeling the effects almost immediately is by vaporizing it. When it comes to vaporizers, there are oil or concentrate vaporizers and dry herb vapes, so feel free to try out which option you like best. Although you’re not necessarily eating it, this way you’ll be able to note CBD’s great health effects, such as better skin health, lower stress levels and more.
2. Adding Fresh Herbs and Seeds to Your Recipes
While eating skittles every day may not be the best for a healthy diet, perhaps adding zkittlez seeds to your favorite recipes is a better choice. By doing so, you’ll definitely not feel the usual high associated with marijuana, but you’ll get the benefits that eating it provides. Marijuana seeds, just like many other seeds and nuts are a great source of fiber, vitamins and healthy fatty acids. Eat raw cannabis or seeds and you’ll also get amazing antioxidant benefits.
3. Eating Edibles
Another great way of adding cannabis to your diet is eating edibles, of course!
Not only do edibles taste great, and there are infinite options when it comes to recipes, but they also skip the negative effects of smoking. Besides, you can actually get high from consuming edibles, if that’s what you’re aiming for, or overall dodge that by consuming CBD-infused edibles. And furthermore, edibles provide a much longer effect than any of the other cannabis products, given that they’re absorbed through our digestive system.
4. Adding cannabis oil to your daily routine
Cannabis oil is one of the most versatile cannabis consumption methods and one of the healthiest too. Adding canna-oil to your salads, tea, or even applying it directly onto your skin is already enough for it to start working its magic. Besides, making your own cannabis oil at home is extremely easy, and you can even experiment a little and add other complementary herbs such as lavender or chamomile to enhance its use.
5. Making Marijuana-Infused Smoothies
One last great way of adding cannabis to your diet is by making green smoothies with it! If you’re searching for good detox recipes, why not sprinkle some fresh weed buds to your favorite smoothie recipes. Besides, contrary to common belief, consuming marijuana could actually help you lose weight. “How come?”, you wonder. Well, there’s a component in the weed family called THCv, which is, let’s say, one of THC’s cousins. This dude is not as famous as its cousin but it definitely should be. Turns out, this component is found in raw cannabis, which is marijuana that hasn’t yet been curated, and again, which means that THC hasn’t yet been fully evolved. Shortly explained, THC comes after buds are stored for a short period of time, drying and curating. But, if you consume it raw, shortly after the plant is harvested, you’ll be ingesting the raw form of cannabis compounds, including among them, THCV. This component isn’t; only great for aiding in weight loss but it also showed to alleviate the symptoms of PTSD patients, as well as ease panic attacks. Furthermore, this compound can help with tremors, improve motor control, and slow brain damage associated with Alzheimer’s disease.
And that’s it for now! Time to try out some of these alternative cannabis consumption methods and find out which one you enjoy the most!