Longevity InTime BioTech LLC
Most Innovative AI Health Tech Company 2020 & Award for Excellence in Disease Tracking Applications 2020
International Life Sciences Awards - 2020

Longevity InTime BioTech LLC
International Life Sciences Awards - 2020
An AI online, real-time tracking technology for serious diseases. Our goal is to prolong active life for 20+ years by means of permanently measuring, analyzing and translating human biodata.
We plan to monitor 400+ essential health parameters using existing wearables and a proprietary portable biomaterial container that we have developed.
Based on collected data, our AI algorithm predicts the likelihood of TOP-20 serious diseases in the early stages using 70 years of G-20 Big Data extracted from human clinical trials to provide personalized recommendations. The client gets them via a beta mobile app AntiObesity in AppStore & BMIObesity in GooglePlay.