
Prevent Blindness Wisconsin

Prevent Blindness Wisconsin Best Vision Screening Specialists 2019 – Wisconsin Since its founding in 1958, Prevent Blindness Wisconsin has served more than 7 million Wisconsinites through vision screening, vision health education, improved access to vision care, and more. The Children’s Vision Screening Program addresses one of the most basic needs of children in Wisconsin –… Continue reading Prevent Blindness Wisconsin

Social Care Awards - 2019

Prevent Blindness Wisconsin

Social Care Awards - 2019

Prevent Blindness Wisconsin

Best Vision Screening Specialists 2019 - Wisconsin

Since its founding in 1958, Prevent Blindness Wisconsin has served more than 7 million Wisconsinites through vision screening, vision health education, improved access to vision care, and more.

The Children’s Vision Screening Program addresses one of the most basic needs of children in Wisconsin – healthy vision to begin their educational careers and lives with success. Vision problems affect 1 in 4 school-aged children. Though it is well known that a quality education positively impacts a child’s future, the impact of poor vision on a child’s education is often overlooked. A simple vision screening, with proper referral and follow-up care, assures that children will be vision ready to learn before they reach kindergarten.