Looking to get your body in the best shape? You should consider using the best protein powder to help you achieve your physique goals and optimise your physical performance.
Read more below about why you should include protein powder in your daily routine.

Why Do I Need A Protein Powder?

If you’re putting in the hard yards in the gym, chances are you’re seeing good results but your results could be hampered if your protein intake is insufficient.
Whether you’re targeting more muscle mass or trying to lose weight, then adding a protein shake to the mix is essential.

Protein powders support muscle growth and including a protein supplement in your daily routine is essential.

There are a multitude of protein shakes on the market but not all of them are equal, that’s why you need to find a shake that contains high-quality protein.
Many brands boast protein supplements that contain more than 30 grams of protein per serving, but this is almost irrelevant if the components of the protein don’t include the essential amino acids we need.

How Protein Works In The Body

The best protein powder is debatable, and you can read more about the different types of protein powders further down in this article.

So, why is protein important how can it help people achieve their desired physique?
Lifting weights helps you gain muscle but adding the right dietary supplement improves muscle function.

If you’re trying to bulk and need to maintain a calorie surplus, then you’re already eating a lot of food, then you need to be conscious of how many grams of protein you’re getting in every day.
Eating a balanced diet is key and you need to include foods that we call a complete protein, like fish and poultry. A complete protein source means that it includes the nine essential amino acids our bodies can’t produce on their own.

Also, make sure you’re getting your essential fatty acids which are beneficial in promoting muscle growth.

Protein powder offers an array of health benefits, especially when paired with resistance exercise.
Whether your fitness goals focus on reducing fat mass or weight loss, muscle gain or simply achieving your desired lean muscle mass – drink protein shakes!
Seriously, they aid in muscle growth, help with body weight management and help reduce chronic inflammation.

If your current diet isn’t optimal, then you might be getting less protein than your body needs. High-quality protein sources in powder form provide an easy relief to a diet that is lacking protein.
More protein means more amino acids. The building blocks of protein are amino acids which are essential for maintaining a healthy, optimal body.

The Most Common Protein Powders

Whey protein powder

Arguably the most commonly used form of protein athletes and frequent gym-goers opt for is whey protein.

Whey is the watery portion of milk that separates from the curds when making cheese.
All the forms of whey contain branched chain amino acids (BCAA’s) which aid in muscle recovery.
It’s commonly used to help people achieve their daily protein intake goals, in accordance with the recommended dietary allowance.
Whey protein is rapidly absorbed by the body which makes it a great post-workout supplement, essential for muscle building.


The majority of protein found in cow’s milk is casein, which constitutes around 80% of the protein found in cow’s milk.

It’s a slow-release protein which means it plays a critical role in muscle protein synthesis when supplemented in a routine that involves resistance training.

Research suggests casein protein powder, when paired with healthy eating can help build muscle.
A healthy diet and a good exercise routine are crucial to achieving your health and fitness goals, and getting enough protein is a prerequisite for a healthy immune system.
Plant-based protein powders

Plant-based protein powders

Plant-based protein powder is the option of choice for vegans and vegetarians.
Protein supplementation is beneficial for all but even more so for vegans and vegetarians who have a more restricted diet.

Drinking protein shakes comprised entirely of plant proteins has become increasingly popular.
The most common plant-based sources used in protein powders are rice, soy and pea.
Pea protein is a favourite among vegetarians and vegans because pea protein is a high-quality and easily digested protein source.

Soy protein is another favourite because it’s relatively cheap and it’s a high-quality source of protein found abundantly.

How Much Protein Powder Should I Use?

There are a variety of factors to consider when deciding how much protein powder you should use.

Some important factors

What sources of protein are you currently consuming? Are you already getting a lot of egg protein or hemp protein? Consider your current diet and then plan to add protein powder accordingly.

Body composition

What does your physique currently look like? If you’re trying to add lean mass and you already practice weight lifting, then you will probably be looking to add a hefty portion of protein powder to your daily regimen.
If you’re not too active and you’re slightly overweight, have an excess of body fat and are just looking to get some more high-quality protein in your diet – consider taking a milder approach.


Incorporating regular use of protein powder can be incredibly beneficial for your physique. Regardless of your health goals or fitness goals, protein powders are almost always a brilliant addition.