Seeking treatment, in the first place, is in itself a massive step forward for many who are dealing with psychological problems, but these anomalies, if left untreated, can change one’s behaviour, harm work and personal relationships.

Therefore, it is important to take the support of a psychiatrist to alleviate the symptoms associated with different mental disorders such as bipolar disorder, depression, schizophrenia and others.

While any doctor, including your general medical practitioner, can prescribe some kind of medicine, it is best left for a psychiatrist who has the right medical qualifications to dispense the appropriate medications to people who are struggling with mental health issues.

This is because only a reputable psychiatrist will be able to monitor your experience in order to ascertain as to whether your body is reacting correctly to the medicines prescribed or not, or if any change is required.

If you are one of those who have reached out to a psychiatrist for help, it is important to know the reason and the effect the drug may have on your health. This will streamline the process of treatment to a large extent.

To understand things better, here are some of the commonly prescribed medicines and treatment methods given by psychiatrists that can manage a variety of mental health problems and make your life much better, from day one.

Online therapy

Medication alone isn’t always a cure for mental disorders, unless a combined approach is adopted that includes a form of psychotherapy, also known as teletherapy or online counseling. This has proved to provide quicker and positive outcomes for those coping with mental illness. You must read Betterhelp reviews here and compare all online therapy providers before choosing the right therapist for your needs.


Persons who have ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, are prescribed stimulants to help them control the unorganized thought patterns which crop up. The most common types of stimulants used are Depakote, Dexidrene, Adderall, Kapvay or Ritalin are the drugs prescribed most by psychiatrists.

These stimulants allow patients of ADHD to focus on one particular activity without getting distracted by one’s own thoughts or any other outside distractions.

Mood stabilizers

Anticonvulsant medication or mood stabilizers are beneficial for those who suffer from constant and uncontrollable mood swings. Conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder can be treated with mood stabilizers to control the spikes in their emotional states.

The most commonly prescribed mood stabilizers are Resperdal, Ability, Lithium or Lamictal which are effective in keeping patients in a stable frame of mind and prevent them from otherwise acting irrationally.


Those who suffer from depression are prescribed antidepressants to treat the condition. These medicines work by balancing the neurotransmitters in the brain, thereby stabilizing the emotions to promote a positive state of mind.

Apart from improving the mood, antidepressants like serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs like Celexa, Lexapro, Wellbutrin or Zoloft can improve concentration and provide better sleep in order to focus well on the tasks at hand to overcome depression.

Anxiety medication

Anxiety mainly stems from chronic disorder issues like panic attacks and experiencing a sense of fear that can be a cause for concern. Anti-anxiety medicines are used to prevent the panic attacks from recurring or at least reduce their frequency.

Anti-anxiety medications can also help in less severe cases of anxiety. Some typical brands which are widely used in the market are Librium, Valium, Ativan and Xanax.

Again, most medications used to treat conditions of mental health can be prescribed by a psychiatrist during an online appointment. Not only that, online therapy can offer increased access to a wider range of skilled healthcare professionals for people who otherwise may have fewer options.