Patient talking to a doctor during a visit

By Rizvan Faruk Batha MPharm, PGDip GPP, IPresc, MRPharmS, Superintendent Pharmacist and Director of Operations at Specialist Pharmacy

As men age, they experience a natural decline in hormone levels, particularly testosterone. This decline, often referred to as “andropause” or “male menopause,” can significantly impact their physical and mental health. While the concept of andropause is less commonly discussed than female menopause, it is crucial for men to understand its effects and how healthcare professionals, especially pharmacists, can provide support during this phase of life.

What is Andropause?

Andropause refers to the gradual reduction in testosterone levels that occurs in men as they age, typically beginning around the age of 40 (but can start earlier) and becoming more noticeable between 50 and 60 years old. Andropause is often a slow and steady decline that can span several decades.

Testosterone is a hormone responsible for various bodily functions, including muscle mass and strength, bone density, fat distribution, libido, fertility and mood regulation. New research is showing that it can also help to maintain psychological health. As testosterone levels decrease, men may experience a range of symptoms that can affect their health, wellbeing and quality of life.

Symptoms of Andropause

The symptoms of andropause can vary widely among individuals, and not all men will experience the same symptoms or severity. Common symptoms include:

  1. Reduced Libido and Sexual Function: A decrease in testosterone often leads to a reduction in sex drive and erectile dysfunction. Men may find it challenging to maintain interest in sexual activities or experience difficulties in achieving and maintaining erections and often see themselves losing their morning erections.
  2. Fatigue and Decreased Energy Levels: Men undergoing andropause frequently report feeling more tired and having less stamina for physical activities. This fatigue can be persistent and interfere with daily life.
  3. Mood Changes: Testosterone plays a role in regulating mood, and lower levels can lead to irritability, depression, and increased anxiety. Men may also experience difficulty concentrating and memory issues including short term memory loss and ‘brain fog’.
  4. Loss of Muscle Mass and Strength: Testosterone is vital for maintaining muscle mass. As levels drop, men may notice a decrease in muscle size and strength, leading to a decline in physical performance and an increase in body fat.
  5. Bone Density Reduction: Decreased testosterone can result in lower bone density, increasing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
  6. Sleep Disturbances: Insomnia and other sleep-related issues, such as sleep apnoea, can become more common during andropause, contributing to fatigue and mood disturbances.
  7. Weight Gain: Hormonal changes can lead to an increase in body fat, particularly around the abdomen, making it harder to maintain a healthy weight.

The Psychological Impact of Andropause

The physical symptoms of andropause can be accompanied by significant psychological effects. Men may struggle with feelings of inadequacy, frustration, or sadness as they navigate these changes. The stigma around discussing male health issues can also lead to feelings of isolation, as many men may feel uncomfortable seeking help or acknowledging the changes they are experiencing.

Understanding that andropause is a natural part of ageing and that these symptoms are common can help reduce the emotional burden. It is crucial for men to know that they are not alone and that effective treatment options are available.

The Role of the Pharmacist in Managing Andropause

Pharmacists are often the most accessible healthcare professionals and can play a pivotal role in managing andropause. Here’s how they can help:

  1. Education and Awareness: Pharmacists can provide valuable information about andropause, helping men recognise the symptoms and understand the physiological changes they are experiencing. By raising awareness, pharmacists can encourage men to seek medical advice and avoid dismissing their symptoms as just a part of getting older.
  2. Medication Management: For men experiencing significant symptoms, Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) might be recommended by their healthcare provider. Pharmacists can assist by ensuring that the prescribed medications are taken correctly and by providing information on potential side effects and interactions with other medications.
  3. Lifestyle Counselling: Pharmacists can offer advice on lifestyle modifications that may alleviate symptoms of andropause. Regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep can all help manage weight, improve mood, and boost energy levels. Pharmacists can also recommend supplements or over-the-counter medications that may support overall health during andropause.
  4. Monitoring and Support: Pharmacists can help monitor the progress of men undergoing treatment for andropause by checking in regularly to discuss any changes in symptoms or side effects. They can provide a consistent point of contact, offering reassurance and adjusting treatment plans as needed in collaboration with the patient’s physician.
  5. Addressing Mental Health: Given the psychological impact of andropause, pharmacists can play a key role in identifying men who may be struggling with depression or anxiety. By fostering a supportive and non-judgmental environment, pharmacists can encourage men to seek further help, whether through counselling or medication.
  6. Encouraging Regular Health Checks: Pharmacists can remind men of the importance of regular health screenings, such as checking cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and bone density. These checks can help identify potential health issues early and allow for timely intervention.


Andropause is a significant, yet often overlooked, aspect of men’s health. The symptoms can be challenging, but with proper education, lifestyle adjustments, and medical support, men can manage this phase of life effectively. Pharmacists, with their accessibility and expertise, are in an ideal position to assist men in navigating the complexities of andropause. By providing education, support, and treatment management, pharmacists can help men maintain their health and well-being as they age, ensuring a better quality of life during and beyond andropause.

Rizvan Faruk Batha