Your home is considered to be part of your personal safe space. It protects you from the dangers of the outdoors and makes you feel safe and secure. But what would you do if your home isn’t completely safe for you at all? Would you just settle with what you have or will you try to improve it by making it a better living space? 

Of course, anyone will try their best to make their homes safe. While there might not be any visual threats around, your enemy could be the air quality of your home. If you find yourself having recurring allergy or asthma attacks while you’re at home, consider assessing your indoor air quality. 

You can opt to use an air purifier with proper air filter to purify the air in your home. An air purifier works by filtering out any toxins and particles away with the use of an air filter. You’ll find different kinds of air filters in the market such as MERV, MPR, and FPR filters. If you’re interested in learning more about them, click here

Air filters also offer various health benefits. Here are some of them: 


1. Remove Allergens

If you find yourself suffering from experiencing allergic rhinitis, you might be allergic to pet dander, pollen, or even dust mites—all of which can be present inside your home. 

With an air purifier, you’ll be able to free yourself from consistent allergies and be able to have a comfortable life. An air purifier works by trapping contaminants and allergens and releasing fresh, clean air. 

For your allergies, you can use either true HEPA/UV-C, True HEPA, HEPA-type, and pure HEPA air purifiers as they’re mostly designed to treat allergies. If you’re looking for a more powerful device, go for a true HEPA/UV-C air purifier as it can also help eliminate germs. Although it’s quite costly, it’ll be a great investment to help keep your family healthy.  


2. Relieves Symptoms of Asthma

If you’re an asthma sufferer, you’ll greatly benefit from using an air purifier for your home. Your current routine would probably include thoroughly vacuuming your bed, carpet, and floors. While this may help relieve your asthma, providing an air filter will help keep you better and healthier for longer periods. 

Just remember that while an air filter can help relieve the symptoms of asthma, it’s not a solution and cure for it. There’s no cure for asthma yet and using an air purifier only provides useful treatments that help to ease its symptoms.


3. Eliminate Odor

If there’s a persistent smell in your home that you just cannot pinpoint, using a proper air filter may help. Air filters won’t just make your home smell amazing; they’d also help in neutralizing unpleasant smells in your home. They can help to remove any pet odor, gas, or smoke in your home. 

One helpful air filter type that helps eliminate odor is an activated carbon air filter. This kind of air filter is commonly known to remove gases but unfortunately, they’re not very helpful with removing fine particles such as mold, dust, and pollen from the air.


4. Improves Sleep

Having trouble sleeping at night is such an awful experience to have, especially when you just want to get some much-needed rest after a stressful day at work. You may try other natural ways to improve the quality of your sleep such as limiting your caffeine intake, using aromatherapy, having a comfortable bed, setting the right temperature for your bedroom, or even doing regular exercise in the morning. If these methods still fail, consider using an air filter. 

An air filter works by removing any allergens that might prevent you from sleeping restfully at night. Along with this, it can also produce white noise that could aid in giving you a good night’s rest. 


5. Removes Radon

Radon refers to a radioactive gas. It comes about when thorium, radium, or uranium radium break down in the water, rock, or and becomes part of the air. It’s invisible, odorless, and tasteless, which means it’ll be difficult to track down its presence in your home. Radon can cause harm when there’s no proper ventilation in an area. While small amounts can be harmless, larger quantities may be dangerous and may lead to lung cancer.

To reduce the risk of radon pollution inside your home, use air purifiers with proper air filters. Make sure that you use HEPA and activated carbon filters so that they could trap radon particles and make your home a healthier and radon-free space to live in. 


6. Reduce Carbon Dioxide Levels

You’ll need enough oxygen inside your home to create a healthier breathing space and ensure lung health. Air can help reduce carbon dioxide levels in your home. 

Too much carbon dioxide happens when there’s no proper circulation in your home and you don’t have any indoor plants to help you produce the oxygen that you need. This may result in your body getting less oxygen. When this happens, you’ll probably experience shortness of breath, headaches, dizziness, weakness, nausea, drowsiness, and other terrifying symptoms.

With the right air purifier in your home, you’ll be able to reduce the carbon dioxide levels in your home, ensuring less toxicity in your air. Along with this, you should also allow for proper ventilation by opening your windows every once in a while, or by raising indoor plants.



While air filters can be quite expensive, they’re worth the investment, especially if you have poor health or if you have children and elderly relatives living in your home. Air filters will improve the quality of your indoor air significantly, eliminating allergens, toxins, or dust particles floating in the air. You’ll be able to enjoy a healthier home with them around.

Although air filters are helpful, you shouldn’t solely rely on them as a treatment or cure. They can only help reduce your symptoms to make you feel better and improve air quality. You should still consult with your doctor if you’re suffering from serious medical issues.