Varicose Veins Treatments

A clinic that has achieved worldwide recognition for the excellence of its services, The Whiteley Clinic has earned itself recent accreditation as the provider of the ‘Best for Varicose Veins Treatments’ in 2022 for the UK. This is just one of the many titles it has won itself over the years, boasting the development of all-new treatments, the most rigorous client care, and the most highly recognised research in phlebology. Due to its new approaches, bold ideas, and transparency, it has been seeing increasing numbers of overseas patients flocking to it, as well as patients from within the UK, and promises to continue serving each and every one of them with the excellence its industry expects from it.

When it comes to specialist clinics in the medical field, The Whiteley Clinic ranks amongst the best for vein therapies and research. Fundamentally, it has gained a reputation for its consistent research and treatments that push forward the greater innovations of the field, founded by the eponymous Mark Whiteley in 2001. Since the turn of the century, its notoriety has grown through showing its diligence to the science of its work and the patients who would benefit from it being turned into treatments, following the founder’s own development of endovenous – or ‘pinhole’ – surgery for varicose veins in March of 1999. He was also the first in the UK to perform the all-new surgical method to access varicose veins in a minimally invasive manner, working alongside Judy Holdstock, and it is this excellence with which he has built the foundation of The Whiteley Clinic.

Making use of radiofrequency initially – mostly due to budget – this varicose vein surgical method has since enjoyed advancements in both innovation and funding, with alternatives to radiofrequency being discovered regularly. This, in essence, has allowed The Whiteley Clinic to allow use of multiple different modalities. Initially, the setup to varicose vein treatments was its only priority, but ongoing research has allowed it to expand its list of conditions, from venous leg ulcers and pelvic pain due to Pelvic Congestion Syndrome; thus, it invites clients to get in touch with it regarding such things so it can discuss with them how it best may help, developing an international reputation for aesthetic phlebology.

Initially, this simply meant the treatment of thread veins on the legs, but with the expansion of recent research, it has extended to the treatment of so much more. Able to treat bulging veins on the face, forehead, breasts, arms, and feet, it can help clients with all manner of painful extruding venous problems, all made possible by the research and ingenuity of the founder and his exemplary team. Indeed, since then, Mark Whitely has published the first research papers for the treatment of such things; papers that have been incredibly well received by the wider research community and that specifically talk of how to treat bulging venous areas on the forehead and temporal scalp region.

Of course, when discussing such delicate areas of the body, one must act with the utmost care and rigour. This is another unswayable part of the The Whiteley Clinic’s work. When handling its client’s cases, it will always strive to put their safety and comfort first. Nominally, each and every one of its processes have been designed and redesigned by the most scrutinising eyes and dedicated team, able to tailor a treatment plan to suit the needs of the patient as well as to talk them through certain treatments in as much detail as they wish so that they are thoroughly informed before they decide on what they want.

Its core values, from top to bottom, are to ensure that all of its patients receive the most optimal treatment for their condition. Using its own research, and research from other international minds in the venous research circle, it works hard to keep its services leading the pack in its field, granting the best possible patient experience under its investigation and treatment so that they can look forward to the rest of their lives with confidence. This confidence-building – and this depth of research and study – contributes to the trust its patients have been able to build in it over the years, resulting in an establishment and research facility that is widely lauded as one of the premier vein units in the world.

This, in essence, has been one of its goals since the beginning. With exemplary client service, an incredible body of research at its back, and a dedication to comprehensive work that has made it a trusted scientific voice amongst its peers, its clients can benefit from the pedigree it has earned itself since its very beginnings. The Whiteley Clinic, in addition, has been working on bettering each of these elements since then, keeping itself at the top of its industry through determination and adaptation, refusing to rest on the laurels it has already earned itself in order to continually raise the bar for strict excellence.

By following ‘The Whiteley Protocol’, the staff at the Clinic ensure that each detail is properly attended to whilst keeping an eye on the bigger picture. This protocol has been developed over years of study, into which blood, sweat, and tears has been poured, and the result is a process that has been proven to create the best outcomes for its patients time and time again, working as a team as every juncture to make this happen. Critically, this team is one that has been built over time not just out of professionals who are industry leading in their fields, but out of professionals who demonstrate true care and compassion; people who are always willing to go above and beyond for client safety.

Furthermore, with the glowing client reviews and exemplary word of mouth testimonials that its clients leave it with, recommending its efforts to friends, colleagues, and family, The Whiteley Clinic’s staff have a proven track record of this excellence that prospective patients can skim through before they even step foot in the clinic. This helps build this trust before a patient even makes their first appointment. With this in mind, the team are able to welcome clients into its clinic with pride, knowing that it has been able to maintain so many clients as friends of the institute.

Serving clients from the UK and internationally, many come to it with varicose veins or thread veins knowing it has managed to get the lowest recurrence rate possible. Having put significant effort into the research that would allow it to do this, it welcomes every prospective patient who comes to it through its doors; it is this warmth of welcome that encourages people with all manner of cosmetic issues and symptoms through its doors, such as aching or tired legs, swollen ankles, red or brown stains on the skin, clots, or ulcers.

It is aware that its pre-eminent treatment efforts are head and shoulders above that of many others, and thus strives to make it accessible for everyone. Its core goal – helping the patient find comfort and confidence – is something it wishes won’t be an option exclusive to its clients in the future, hoping that everyone who suffers from venous issues can get access to the treatments that will allow them to be resolved. Admirably, it also holds this position in the sphere of aesthetic medical phlebology, its patients coming to it from all over the world for help with bulging veins on their foreheads, breasts, arms, hands, and feet, as well as tortuous and bulging arteries on the temple region.

It allows professionals in its industry, patients, and stakeholders to be able to get a better understanding of venous conditions simply through continuing to work in the way it has. Its deep knowledge of venous reflux, the cause of varicose veins problems and ulcers, as well as leg ulcer revolution, chronic pelvic pain, and other disorders, often result in it finding itself featured in the national press for its continually incredible findings. Often, The Whiteley Clinic finds itself in positions to comment on cases of extreme interest to the scientific community, and it is glad to be able to apply its knowledge to such things.

Of course, this is just one of the many ways by which it differentiates itself from its peers. Its efforts for the wider research community, diligence towards applying this unique protocol to its services, and specific knowledge of the depth and breadth of venous issues, has set it truly head and shoulders above all other treatment centres in the UK who target similar venous conditions and troubles. Firstly, it has an active research programme which directly feeds its treatments. Due to the nature of its work, it often finds years between the research’s results being found and said results being published, meaning an often-frustrating time delay between the benefits to certain treatments being discovered and their application, but The Whiteley Clinic can fast track this by offering these treatments before they are published to the wider scientific community in peer reviewed journals.

It also boasts the ability to ensure its patients are thoroughly scanned by a specialist vascular technologist when they arrive. This individual service, operated by someone who has been trained specially in accordance with the Whiteley Protocol, conducts a comprehensive scan of the person to get holistic view of the challenges they may be facing, turning the usual industry standard of the ‘quick scan’ on its head. The Whiteley Clinic knows that such ‘quick scans’ often miss a lot of the nuances of a case, and therefore are nowhere near as useful for getting to the root of the problem quickly and effectively, ensuring that more than one person views the data before a diagnosis is made.

Thirdly, its transparency when working with its patients and when discussing its results has secured it notoriety as a deeply honest and highly client-faithful healthcare provider. Taking this a step further, its doctors are now also registered members of the College of Phlebology Venous Registry, earning client trust back despite the loss of trust that occurred during the Bristol heart scandal in the 1980s, something that its older clients remember and that its doctors are aware of being sensitive towards. After this scandal rocked the medical community of the UK – and indeed the world at large – its professionals, The Whiteley Clinic included, have had to come to terms with the fact that the only way that patients can know whether doctors, clinics, or hospitals are getting good results is if they are part of a registry.

This third-party oversight means that a client doesn’t have to take The Whiteley Clinic’s word for the excellence of its results; they can ask the governing body that keeps an eye on this. The Whiteley Clinic’s protocol has, indeed, been developed as yet another answer to this predicament. Its standardised efforts ensure that it operates with openness and a strict dedication to the utmost scientific rigour at every turn, making sure its doctors and regularly checked and that the results are being consistently monitored, each of its staff members proving their status as an asset to the business and the medical sector by their flawless compliance with this. Each of them, benefitting from the incredible training and onboarding The Whiteley Clinic provides, has aided it in pulling through the trials and tumults of the pandemic, developing a Covid-19 secure protocol quickly in order to be able to keep offering its services to those who needed urgent venous investigations and treatments. Thus, 2022 promises to continue being a busy time for it, opening its 4th clinic on the south coast and in talks about opening a 5th one in the summer already, as well as continuing its research and introducing new, non-invasive Echotherapy investigative treatments into its offerings. In short, its continued innovation in phlebology show no signs of slowing, and it is excited to see what findings it can bring before its peers next.

For further information, please contact Caprice Chislett or visit