For the last decade, patient-centric approach has been a buzzword in the sector of healthcare. Patients want to contribute and become more active participants as far as their care process is concerned. For this reason, medical practitioners have to consider what is most beneficial and important to patients. This article details what a patient-centric approach is, and the benefits of focusing on a patient’s needs and preferences.

What Is a Patient-Centric Care Approach?

As a model of service delivery, a patient-centric approach focuses on the patient’s participation, values, preferences, and decision-making in identifying a disease, treating, and managing it. It’s a healthcare framework that enables patients to be active and responsible for their health conditions.

Whether patients are healthy or have illnesses, this approach encourages collaboration and trust between patients and their healthcare providers. Healthcare providers reinforce confidence and empower patients to take part in the management of their health. Consequently, patients are more inclined to comply, take instructions as directed, and make healthy lifestyle decisions.

The Benefits of Patient-Centric Approach

At its core, the patient-centered approach not only improves individual health conditions but also the health outcomes of the population. It allows both the patient’s and caregiver’s objectives to be met. The following are the benefits associated with this popular healthcare model:

Improved patient outcomes: When patient’s preferences and values are prioritized, they are more likely to engage in treatments which leads to quality health outcomes. Healthcare facilities that actualize patient-centered care report lower rates of ER visits, quick recovery, less utilization of resources in healthcare, and increased patient satisfaction.

Patient satisfaction: The expectations of care a patient has will depend on the satisfaction that corresponds with how efficient healthcare services aligns with their needs. Patient satisfaction rates increase when their desires and personal health is taken into consideration and involve them in the treatment process.

With patients being involved in the decision-making process, they can get a clear idea from clinicians and care plans on how they can exceed their participation. As a result of this, they can significantly enhance their satisfaction rates. As a clinician, you can provide better services to patients by taking an ABSN program online to get skills from experienced educators.

Collaboration and integration of care: Support services and clinical care can help alleviate patient uncertainty and vulnerability through integration and improved collaboration.

Information and education: To make informed decisions about their health conditions, patients require information on their progress, clinical status, and prognosis. Majority of patients may benefit from educational materials that are designed to their health literacy level.

Emotional support and fear reduction: Patients should be offered the resources needed to eliminate stress and fear in regard to their physical status, prognosis, and pressures caused by financial challenges.

Engagement of families and friends: Family and friends support is a vital key aspect of person-centered care. Providers should take into account the needs of family, friends, and caregivers. This might mean giving accommodations and a leaning shoulder to these individuals and considering them in the decision-making process.


The main idea of a patient-centered approach is to enhance the health condition of individuals. Patients recover more quickly and are more fulfilled when they feel involved in their care. This improves their health outcomes and raises their self-esteem and emotional health as well. It takes time and a bold decision to implement patient-centered care to generate results.