
Apollon Health Advisors (AHA) was founded in Greece by medical doctor and scientist, Dr Sven Rohmann to revolutionise the way medical tourism is done. Dubbed by clients as combining “the best of Greece, ancient and new, with the finest of modern lifestyle” and “always keeping the carbon footprint in mind”, we learn more about this “absolutely unique tourism concept” that takes its inspiration from ancient Asclepian medicine.

One of the earliest Greek gods to specialise in healing was Asclepius, son of Apollon who was himself a patron god of medicine. Through Apollon, Chiron, the wise and peaceful centaur learned the art of healing and taught it to Asclepius, who became very proficient in medicine. Asclepius went on to have several children including Machaon, Podalirius, and Panacea, who were, too, regarded as highly effective healers.

Also among Asclepius’ children was Hygeia, and it was from her name that the word ‘hygiene’ derived. She influenced cleanliness when entering a healing temple, so-called Asclepieion, where patients would first wash completely and change all of their clothes. While in the healing temple, each guest was expected to keep a five-foot distance from one another. Over 300 of these temples have been discovered throughout ancient Greece in secluded locations, one of which is in the Argolid plain of the east Peloponnese area.

Signature to Asclepian medicine was a holistic approach to patient care, including the emphasis of therapy through the natural environment, hence the carefully chosen healing temple locations. This enabled complete care of the patient’s psychological and emotional states, activating their innate healing mechanisms and promoting recovery.

However, before a patient was considered to be treated in the Asclepieion, they would have to complete two steps. The first was catharsis, or the purification stage, where they would experience a series of baths and other methods of purging such as a clean diet over a series of several days, or expressing their thoughts and feelings through art. The priest of the temple would then give the patient a prayer to ease their mind and create a more positive outlook for them.

Second was incubation, or dream therapy, where the patient would sleep in the “Abaton”, a dormitory located in the Asclepieion. Here, they would begin their dream journey, and as they slept, they would be visited by Asclepius or his daughters, Hygeia and Panacea. These dream visitations were analytical in nature, revealing the projected course of the patient’s disease and outcomes. Upon awakening, the patient would recount their dream to a temple priest, who would recommend a treatment based on their interpretation.

Today, you can experience the Asclepian medicine practice in the single most important therapeutic centre of the ancient world, the holy site that is the Sanctuary of Asclepius in Epidaurus, Greece. Apollon Health Advisors will guide you through your customised ancient healing process, from catharsis to incubation.

The catharsis stage will begin at the Gate in Porto Heli, where you will be cleansed from the inside out using herbs to remove toxins from the body. From here, with a clear mind and body, you will be ready to proceed to incubation, where pure relaxation begins upon entering one of APA’s modern-day Abatons in the form of healing yachts, and bathing in the tranquil swimming temples of Asclepius to help you unwind and slip into restful sleep.

You also have the option to stay at its contemporary accommodation designed to provide a luxury, peaceful experience, and when not resting there, you’re invited to sink into a relaxing spa experience for stress relief and rejuvenating the mind, body, and soul. Then, if you like to get out and explore, APA’s advisors have put together a variety of travel routes to familiarise you with the ancient wisdom of Asclepius, including hidden gems to be found on foot and yacht trips.

Porto Heli is a summer resort town built around a beautiful natural harbour in the municipality of Ermionida in the south eastern part of Argolis, Greece, and it is situated on the bay of the Argolic Gulf, 6km south of Kranidi and 40 km southeast of Nafplio. Epidaurus is only 55km away, and APA’s Asclepion Medical Centre is in close vicinity to a private airfield, so shuttle flights can transport guests straight to its doorstep. Also, it is a three-hour drive from Athens to the location, which can be diverted by a high-speed boat connection at the coast of Attika.

As a result of your stay in Porto Heli and treatment provided by APA, you will be left feeling recharged and energetic, with health advisors offering a personalised analysis of your healthcare needs and advice for looking after your health in the future and disease prevention.

So, where did APA’s modernisation of Asclepian medicine begin? The company’s roots stem back to 2002 when Dr Sven Rohmann discovered how certain ancient medicines can positively impact one’s immune health. With his world-class expertise in immunology and being a key thought leader for immune health, he found that the deepest resource of old holistic healing wisdom lay in Greek Asclepian medicine.

In 2018, Dr Rohmann moved to Greece to study Asclepian medicine intensively, spending time in Epidaurus between 2019 and 2021. Here, he learned ancient healing teachings and how they are compatible with nowadays’ state-of-the-art biotechnological immune health know-how. By the end of 2020, Dr Rohmann had defined how ancient Asclepian medicine can be applied in today’s world to treat the likes of virus infections, cancer, infertility, ageing, stress, and much more.

Dr Rohmann has worked in leading positions for some of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world, as well as founded some of the most promising immune-oncology start-up companies. Now, he is an advisor to the highly reputed Karolinska Institute and the German Research Cancer Centre.

Ultimately, at AHA, it is believed that good health begins with awareness. This is aided by the digital transformation, enabling access for healthcare providers to a vast and diverse range of technology which enables the enhancement of the care they can offer. From the patient journey perspective, this can include tools for managing health and wellness, screening and detection of health issues, supplementing or even providing therapeutic care, as well as tools and services for improving the effectiveness and durability of their regimen.

If you’re looking for an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and like the sound of experiencing a modern-day Abaton, get in touch with award-winning Apollon Health Advisors who will tailor your restorative medical journey to your every need and desire.

For further information, please contact Sven Rohmann or visit www.apollonhealthadvisors.com