14 GHP Social Care Awards 2024 hen dementia began to take its toll on Natalie Allcock’s grandmother, she required round-the-clock care, but did not wish to go into a nursing home or residential care environment. Keen to fulfil her grandmother’s wishes, Natalie soon realised the difficulties of doing so as a result of the lack of support available in their local community. While paying for home care made sure that her grandmother was safe, it was incredibly expensive, and Natalie found that her grandmother was still isolated from her friends and the rest of the community, with her falling asleep during these home care visits and then staying awake for much of the night. Upon founding VIP Day Centre, Natalie knew that the extra support provided would go a long way for not only people facing dementia, but their families and carers also. She explains the centre has been, “designed to value individual people and offer as much support as they need to take part in activities of choice that will improve their quality of life, help delay further deterioration of physical and mental health, and ensure people have a positive and fulfilling experience.” Central to this is the providing of a personalised level of care that is focused on the needs of the individual, and the team work closely with local services and agencies so as to provide this support holistically, promoting independence, wellbeing, and dignity. From helping to prevent social isolation to monitoring food/fluid intake, the individuals every need is taken care of by a team that are fully trained, compassionate, and incredibly knowledgeable. Of course, beyond this, there is a keen sense of fun that runs throughout VIP Day Centre, and just some of the activities that are on offer include crafts, gardening, cooking, bowls, singing/dancing, puzzles, computer sessions, and both indoor and outdoor exercise sessions. Regardless of the activity in question, Natalie explains, “by providing opportunities to extend social networks and form relationships, individuals can maintain [their] interests, activities, and social involvement with other adults”, thus sleeping better at night. As for how she and her team foster continued excellence through the environment at this adult day care centre, Natalie prides such tried and tested methods as team meetings, supervisions, appraisals, suggestion Jan24816 W Specialists in supporting individuals who are battling all types of dementia, as well as sensory impairments and disabilities, VIP Day Centre in Worcestershire is led by CEO Natalie Allcock, whose story begins when a close family member of hers became ill with dementia. Upon realising that there was a desperate need for increased support for those living in the area with dementia, and their families, Natalie undertook specialist dementia training before bringing to life her idea of a sustainable day care centre business model. We catch up with Natalie to find out more about this award-winning centre. boxes, and anonymous questionnaires, affording staff members the opportunity to hone their skills and work even more closely linked with the truly supportive environment that everybody within the business is seeking to nurture. Many of the activities are also planned around the skills of staff, as well as their aspirations, in turn advancing a culture of autonomy, self-esteem, and skill maintenance. Being based in Worcestershire too has its benefits for Natalie and the team, and she states, “Worcestershire County Council are extremely supportive with providing funding to individuals who need support with payments following a financial assessment. Social workers and the mental health team are very supportive in recommending our service as they are fully aware we are far cheaper than domiciliary care or nursing homes and our members receive better care quality.” This further underpins the continuous success that Natalie and her team have faced, guided by a commitment to providing nothing short of the best care available. On the back of the triumph of the first VIP Day Centre, the demand from communities across the UK for a similar service has resulted in Natalie launching franchising opportunities up and down the country, so that others may share Natalie’s overarching vision to provide everybody with care that is as high quality as it is affordable. Developing this care franchise is set to serve as a big part of the company’s future, as too is continuous training and regular updates to its service offering so as to continue to offer a calibre of elderly care that is unmatched in this area. As a result, we are proud to bestow VIP Day Centre with the title of Best Adult Dementia Day Care Centre 2024 - West Midlands. Contact: Natalie Allcock Company: VIP Day Centre Email: info@vipdaycentre.co.uk Web Address: www.vipdaycentre.co.uk Best Adult Dementia Day Care Centre 2024 - West Midlands