Social Care Awards 2020
4 GHP / Social Care Awards 2020 , Good healthmeans somany different things to somany different people. Maintaining the ability to do what we love is not always easy, especially for those who are vulnerable. N.ableD provides a supporting service that improves the quality of life for those who struggle most of all. After achieving enviable success in last year’s accolades, we turn to look at this company as it doubles its award achievement. Leading Providers of Exercise & Nutritional Therapy - Southern England & Award for Excellence in Rehabilitation Home Care - Southern England For those in a vulnerable position, especially those who’s health has suffered due to a fall or injury, illness or even hospitalisation, it can be difficult to get back into the swing of everyday life. Very few services exist to help with this, which is what inspired Nadine Denneth to create N.ableD. N.ableD is a comprehensive health & wellbeing service that takes a holistic approach to improving peoples’ quality of life. Drawing on a variety of different disciplines, the service covers exercise, nutrition, physio, yoga and massage therapy, each working in collaboration to create a bespoke method of improving a client’s physical health and mental wellbeing. This approach was taken in response to Denneth’s own experiences with her father. As he was not supported in his home to improve his mobility, balance and strength, the need for support increased until he needed to move into permanent nursing home care. The consequences of not paying adequate attention to these needs have shaped the way in which N.ableD operates, with the balance between health and independence being a key factor. Another inspiration for the way in which N.ableD operates is the Care Act 2014, a key component of which was the prevention of the unnecessary escalation of health and social care needs in vulnerable people. With the risks of a sedentary lifestyle becoming more apparent, including an increased risk of hip fracture, stroke and Type 2 Diabetes, the need to avoid potentially harmful outcomes becomes more acute. When a person struggles with poor mobility, complex health problems or cognitive impairment, it can be a challenge to make positive changes that are out of the routine. N.ableD works alongside care workers and unpaid carers to encourage and facilitate as active a lifestyle as possible for the cared-for person. The team at N.ableD support each of their clients in their own home with an evidence-based approach to improving health. N.ableD is a major support for the unsung heroes of the community, helping those who help with health and social care needs to take steps to avoid ‘carer burnout’. It now runs workshops in the community Dec19268 exclusively for carers in order to empower them as well as understand how to care for themselves and their own wellbeing, while dealing with the demands of caring for another. This is part of its work bridging the gap between the private health & fitness industry and the public social care sector, and it reinvests 65% of its profits into this mission. The escalating crisis in social care which is causing older and disabled people to not get the support they need and deserve could be helped by N.ableD. The team is already in talks with leaders in the social care sector to begins trialling preventative approaches that support those at risk. The intervention of an organisation like N.ableD would allow the vulnerable to become more empowered, live with great independence and manage the activities of daily living such as washing, cooking and dressing. It could easily be argued that this approach would lighten the strain on council budgets and social care in the long run. The importance of a preventative approach cannot be overstated, as it avoids the problem happening in the first place. The work of organisations like N.ableD have the potential to make a huge difference to the world of social care. Having achieved great things on a small scale, this is a company that’s ready to think bigger. Contact Details N.ableD Nadine Denneth
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