GHP Q3 2024

27 GHP Q3 2024 Founded in 2015, and currently standing as the world’s largest supplier of recombinant collagen protein, Jland Biotech is an organisation that is dedicated to amplifying user experiences on a global scale. Boasting a comprehensive product system – from raw materials to medical end products and various functional care products – with an expression level that ranks among the very best the world has seen, this exemplary provider has certainly changed the ways in which the market approaches anti-aging and repair. For anybody who has been remotely involved in the skincare sphere, it has become common knowledge that recombinant collagen protein is something of an upcoming phenomenon. Possessing an average compound annual growth rate of 65.3% between 2017 and 2022, more customers than ever before are leaning toward the use of this coveted concoction. Jland Biotech, in recognising this increase in demand, responded in the only way it knew how – by directly interacting with the consumer market, identifying their demands, and leveraging innovative approaches to optimise and update its products. This is most clearly showcased in its unique products – Biollagen® and Fullagen™. These products each classify as recombinant collagens, with their differences emerging in their individual types. While Biollagen® is a Recombinant Type III collagen, Fullagen™ is a Recombinant Type I collagen. However, both boast advantages in abundance – whether they are providing great hydrophilicity, or boasting high biological activity, these products offer exceptional anti-wrinkle and repair effects that are indeed difficult to match. Jland Biotech has certainly cultivated a standout collection of collagen products, and it seems as though this may only be the beginning of its venture. With exciting plans to launch products such as Recombinant Fibronectin, Recombinant Type V collagen, and Recombinant Type XVII collagen, Jland Biotech has mapped out a future that is bound to impress all manner of consumers. Whether it’s working alongside manufacturing enterprises, medical institutions, or even end users themselves, the organisation remains focused on ensuring that all industries are able to benefit from its hard work and dedication. From the global pharmaceutical market, to food and health industries across the globe, Jland Biotech’s influence is creating impactful waves of much needed change. Global Health & Pharmaceutical spends its days discovering those who are leveraging their expertise to cultivate a better tomorrow. When it comes to the manufacturing of recombinant collagen, no organisation demonstrates this excellence quite as effectively Striving to improve the lives of people through the application and integration of bioinspired technology, Jland Biotech is a reputable recombinant collagen supplier whose impact has notably improved various spheres. Be it enhancing medical end products, functional skincare and personal care products, or functional foods, the organisation’s variety of collagens has become a standout in the field. As a result, Jland Biotech has been recognised by Global Health & Pharma as the Best Recombinant Collagen Supplier 2024, and we are eager to explore this ambitious company in more detail below. The Land of Collagen Evolution as Jland Biotech. Equipped with incredibly innovative ideas, this reputable provider has become the face of recombinant collagen production, and we are certain that it will continue to garner the attention of collectives and industries worldwide in the years ahead. Until then, we extend our sincere praise to Jland Biotech – our pick for the title of Best Recombinant Collagen Supplier 2024 – and we eagerly anticipate its next step forward. Contact: [email protected] Company: Jland Biotech Web Address: