Q1 2020

8 GHP / Q1 2020 , Nutrition plays amajor part in fitness, especially for those competing at the highest levels. It’s here that the smallest boost canmake the biggest difference. Crown Sport Nutrition excel in using science to help sport. Following its recent enviable triumph, being named Best Sports Supplement Brand in Spain by GHPMagazine, we take a closer look at the firm to find out more. Superb Sports Supplements Secure Success Sports supplements have become commonplace within the industry, and the research that goes into finding the perfect blend of elevating athletes, while complying with anti-doping certification has become a big business. For Crown Sport Nutrition, the matter is one of scientific principle. This is a team that is here to help sport but never at the risk of being unsafe. As far as Crown Sport Nutrition is concerned, the industry of sports nutrition is one that suffers a lack of transparency and education. There are many products with magical benefits, of a low quality and with mysterious labelling that isn’t accurate. With clients mainly consisting of high-performance athletes from a number of disciplines, the need to provide the right support is paramount. Right at the heart of the business, therefore, is continuous and rigorous scientific testing. The team at Crown Sport Nutrition pride themselves on providing sports supplements that are not only 100% safe with Informed Sport antidoping certification, but scientifically endorsed formulas with studies that have been published in high impact journals. Collaboration is a key factor, with universities in England, Spain and other top-level entities playing a part in the creation of these supplements. With such attention to detail in the conceptualisation, it almost Nov19522 goes without saying that only the best raw materials are used, allowing athletes the opportunity to produce their premium performance, while enjoying superior taste and digestion. Crown Sport Nutrition is actually one of the few brands in the world that places such a high regard on the scientific validity of its product. Of course, scientific support is only as useful as people’s ability to use the products, and Crown Sport Nutrition create a lot of high- quality content that is specifically aimed at teaching clients not only how to use its products, but on general nutrition and themes like training, sport and health. As people continue to push their bodies to the limit, having the backing of a transparent, detail- oriented organisation makes all the difference. With many competitors and athletes coming from all over the world to train in Spain, there is a ready market for the products that Crown Sport Nutrition can offer. That said, this has created a growing market of different brands that promise similar results. It means that excellence is obligatory. Fortunately, Crown Sport Nutrition are more than capable of living up to these expectations, providing excellent products, excellent communication and excellent service. Looking forward, Crown Sport Nutrition are keen to explore the recent trend for vegan products. Having already developed an innovative Vegan Recovery formula, alongside a scientific study at the University of Greenwich, that should be on the market in 2020, the aim is to be able to provide everything that a vegan athlete will need. This will require the development of a full range of products in this area, drawing on the same principles that have guided every other product Crown Sport Nutrition has created, namely first-class raw matters and scientific evidence. It’s clear that Crown Sport Nutrition is committed to elevating any and every athlete to be the best that they can be. This is an ongoing challenge, especially in an evolving market, but one which the company is more than capable of living up to. Eschewing the mystique of traditional sports supplements, Crown Sport Nutrition tells you everything you need to know. Not satisfied with creating an unfair advantage for some, or damaging bodies through dangerous doping, Crown Sport Nutrition were born to help sport. It’s this that drives the company to be the best it can possibly be. Contact Details Crown Sport Nutrition Pol Gieco Villegas (CEO & Founder) www.crownsportnutrition.com info@crownsportnutrition.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/polgieco/

https://www.crownsportnutrition.com/ https://www.missnatural.nl/ https://www.swiss-smile.com/en