International Life Sciences Awards 2020
6 GHP / 2020 International Life Sciences Awards , Sintetica. Today, the firm can be proud of the fact that it is home to one of the most well-designed and installed manufacturing facilities, and is also home to one of the most advanced production facilities that Switzerland has ever seen. Just a handful of the statistics surrounding the business’ exceptional work methods highlight its advanced capabilities and outstanding products. For instance, the firm has seen a dramatic decrease in the carbon dioxide emissions, as well as massive reductions in water usage per vial, and water usage in actual production. Carbon dioxide is down by thirteen percent, with water used per vial down by 4.2% and water used in production being down by a massive 35.3%. One of the chief productions that Sintetica has prided itself on delivering is that of sustainable anaesthesia. As a firm, there are none more passionate about having people stand up and be counted for a greener future in sustainable anaesthesia that Sintetica. Although, finding sustainable methods of producing and creating anaesthesia is not a problem often highlighted in the medicinal community. Managing Director Darren Fergus understands this, and has instead dedicated his working life at Sintetica to a simple ethos: “The challenge is to find the right problem before you find the right solution.”. Few other pharmaceutical manufacturers were looking at sustainable anaesthesia when Sintetica came along and dedicated its professional offerings to solving this problem. Sintetica Limited believes that the problem with sustainable anaesthesia does not lie with companies mass-producing anaesthetics around the world. Instead, the problem lies with individuals not applying the science to their anaesthetic practices. Modern anaesthetic gases & vapours are expelled into the atmosphere, and as a result can seriously contribute to climate change. The problem arises when practitioners and manufacturers attempt to mitigate the risk of these vapours by employing technigues like vapour scavenging instead of looking for more environmentally friendly alternatives. Sintetica argues that a viable alternative to the use of these gases & vapours lies in the simple pursuit of alternatives like regional, including spinal, anaesthesia. Sintetica Limited is the affiliate of Sintetica SA that is based in the United Kingdom, and turns five years old in 2021. As an affiliate, this particular brand specialises in the world of anaesthetics and analgesic medication, but also works with some of the most market- critical medication, such as noradrenaline, which can most often be found used in the Intensive Care units of medical facilities. For Sintetica Limited, its core values mirror that of Sintetica SA itself, and are based around the pillar that is human-centricity. Putting people first, being a great place to work, and always showing respect for the environment are values that stem from this people-centric belief, and these values have grown and strengthened just as Sintetica Limited has grown and strengthened. The concept of sustainable sourcing is one that should matter to companies and industries all over the world, but why exactly should it matter to the medical professionals that use products manufactured by Sintetica? First and foremost, Sintetica strives for total and complete ethical goodness in all of its manufacturing methods and end products. In order to achieve this, Sintetica selects and works preferably with suppliers from Switzerland or the European Economic Area (EEA), to ensure that the firm’s own Ethical Code is upheld. By keeping to these core values and continuously adopting change and development, Sintetica Limited rightfully believes that it is amongst the leaders in its particular field. With that true belief also comes a continuous and unending drive to improve and to protect the world as a whole. Unlike its competitors, Sintetica Limited knows exactly what it is doing. At the last Association of Anaesthesia of Great Britain and Ireland, Sintetica Limited was the only company to have a symposium stand dedicated solely to sustainability and the environment; a feat that truly does mark it out as exceptional. Anaesthesia is a relatively young specialty, and adopts change quickly. A combination of factors have influenced change, from the opioid crisis in America, to the COVID-19 pandemic. Overwhelmingly however, the environmental crisis is one of the biggest contributors to detrimental health amongst people. There has been a huge focus on the choice of anaesthetics for general anaesthesia due to the impact these vapours and gases can have on the atmosphere. Many anaesthetists and members of the public are now becoming more aware of this growing problem, and how it can easily and effectively be avoided by choosing a regional anaesthetic when it is possible to do so. For example, there has been a dramatic increase in the use of short-acting spinal anaesthetics, and other regional techniques as clinical bodies recommend regional anaesthesia over general anaesthesia due to the high mortality associated with GA in COVID-19 positive patients. The use of regional anaesthesia and analgesics like Esketamine can safely reduce the amount of opioids used and improve pain control with fewer side effects in many post-operative patients. Esketamine can also be used for induction of the critically ill, and for continuous sedation on the intensive care wards. Together with its benefits on the respiratory system, Esketamine may yet prove to be vital in the fight against COVID-19. Sintetica Limited has brought a premix, ready-to-use noradrenaline to the market, which can save nursing staff time and reduce drug errors by stopping mixing medicines at the bedside. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this preparation could be critical in improving patient access to a critical medicine, and saving nurses time. Regional and spinal anaesthesia can help improve quality of care. They also allow individuals to take personal responsibility in the global fight against climate change and global warming. What Sintetica does, is allow every medical practitioner and professional to help themselves and their patients feel like they are contributing towards a cleaner world that future generations can enjoy. Sintetica can also attribute a great deal of its modern day success to the hard work and diligence of its corporate CEO, Mr Augusto Mitidieri. His leadership has seen this remarkable and uncompromising firm grow in stature and success, but never losing that human-centricity and complete respect for the planet and its environments. These elements make up the DNA of Sintetica, and Mr Mitidieri always works hard to preserve them, whilst also enhancing them. By sowing the seeds that encourage everyone to come forward with ideas, innovations, and suggestions for ways in which Sintetica can promote sustainable anaesthesia and protect the planet, Mr Mitidieri has unleashed the firm’s most powerful vector for change. Everything that Mr Mitidieri does is about the people at the heart of Sintetica, and how they best can exemplify and deliver on the message of the firm; protect both the planet and its people. By putting people first, promoting complete respect, and embedding a culture of never- ending learning, Mr Mitidieri has engineered Sintetica into more than just an exceptional place of business. It has become a
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