International Life Sciences Awards 2020
10 GHP / 2020 International Life Sciences Awards , Global Jetcare Inc. Air Ambulance Company of the Year 2020 As has always been the case throughout human history, with change comes challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed everybody’s lives, from the way lives are lived at home, to being out in public, to how people have had to work. For an air ambulance company, every transport is like an obstacle course, and Global Jetcare Inc. must now consider things that have never been thought of before. We examine the firm to find out how it has adapted to these massive changes to life as we know it, and why it has been so successful in doing so. Global Jetcare Inc. is a family-owned and operated company that has been in business for more than eleven years. It has a proven track record of no hidden fees and no surprises, and it has remained a trusted partner with exceptional planning knowledge to navigate anywhere in the world. As part of its exceptional service, the firm provides expert medical care to its patients, as well as support to their families during their time of need. Communication skills with the customers, patients, and medical facilities are second to none, consistently going above and beyond from the start of the transport until care is turned over at the destination. However, COVID-19 has undoubtedly played a massive role in the medical community, and times are more different now than they have been for a long time. For example, will the medical crews be able to go to the hospital to get the patient, or will someone need to bring the patient to the airport? Will the medical team be allowed to ride in the ambulance? Can the team from Global Jetcare Inc. enter the airport facilities, or can they even open the aircraft door at a fuel stop? The firm has been to multiple location, both domestic and international, where the answer to many of these questions has been a resounding “No.”. Uncomplicated trips and the logistical ease that has always been taken for granted, has suddenly become a thing of the Oct20343 past. For instance, Global Jetcare can no longer pick up a US citizen and take them back home, or repatriate a non-US citizen back to their home country without government permission in both locations. Once Global Jetcare Inc. has managed to navigate all these new obstacles, it is still faced with additional unknowns: what if the aircraft must be diverted due to weather, a medical emergency, or even a mechanical issue? It can often be likened to planning the best place to land the aircraft in the middle of the Amazon Jungle. With things changing so rapidly, the answers to questions one day can be totally different within the space of a matter of hours. All these questions and so many more must be considered and planned for prior to dispatching an aircraft and teams leaving the base. During all of the challenging times, medical facilities and patients alike need a partner that they can trust. One that will keep on top of the changes, and know how to plan for the unexpected. The old days on picking a quote based on the lowest price and quickest time no longer works. It can be like showing up at the airport with a $99 airline ticket, only to find out that the seat, luggage, carry-on, and bottled water still needs to be paid for. Being told that a provider can arrive in four hours means nothing if it turns out that, upon landing, all of the required permits and new rules were not reviewed prior to take off and now there are plenty of delays and extra fees to be paid. Additionally, has a critically ill patient been put at risk due to the delays? Global Jetcare Inc. displays everything that a critically ill patient, their loved ones, and a medical facility could ever want from an air ambulance company. Swiftness and security are chief amongst the services provided, but also its adaptability to the new world created by COVID-19 is what makes it truly exceptional. It is fully deserving of every success, and will undoubtedly be a source of true peace of mind for every patient and client in the future as COVID-19 remains present. Contact Details: Company: Global Jetcare Inc. Contact: Bart Gray Phone: +1-352-799-7771 Email : Website:
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