2020 Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Awards
28 GHP / 2020 Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Awards , European Multi Talent Group Health Care Best Nurse Staffing & Recruitment Company – Netherlands EuropeanMulti Talent Group Health Care (EMTG) is a Dutch recruitment company andmarket leader in the Dutch nursing field. Recently, the company found success in GHP’s Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Awards 2020 where they were awarded the title Best Nurse Staffing & Recruitment Company – Netherlands. On the back of this win, we took a closer look at this award-winning practice to discover more about the extraordinary service they pride themselves on consistently providing. Founded in 2012, EMTG specialises in bridging the gap between Dutch healthcare institutions and European health professionals, and excels at helping highly qualified nurses to expand their careers abroad. Linda Bravo, International Marketing and Communication Officer, tells us more about the firm’s non-traditional approach to recruitment and its direct employment offering, which clearly highlights how it differentiates itself from competitors in the industry. “EMTG is known to European nurses as the gateway to work in the Netherlands and the programme it offers helps to ease the integration to their new professional and personal life,” she explains, speaking of the candidates who wish to relocate. “The EMTG programme consists of immersing the health care professionals in an intensive Dutch language course, prior to working in the Netherlands, and providing coaching support once in the Netherlands. This programme is unique as everything is arranged for when the nurses arrive in the country. The service consists of everything from picking them at the airport to assisting them in finding housing, providing guidance on their language and nurse registrations, and professional development as well.” Due to the recent impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, the Sep20933 healthcare recruitment industry has faced obstacles and challenges which have been felt by EMTG, one of which is the shift from it being a face-to-face recruitment company, attending fairs and events, to having to conduct business in the virtual world. “Since most of our nurses are in Mediterranean countries, physical interaction is important to communicate and gain trust,” Linda points out. “However, due to the impact of Covid-19 our recruitment and marketing team have found new virtual ways to approach interested candidates and still provide them the information they needed in a friendly and professional way. “However, part of being the market leader is due to the resilience and adaptation to new challenges (such as Covid-19) but also about fulfilling the nurses’ expectations when making a life-changing decision. Our recruitment team is very aware that our candidates are highly qualified and motivated to work in the Netherlands, therefore, it is important to communicate well with the candidates since the early stages of recruiting. This has helped us stay well- positioned in Europe and has led to the referral of new candidates.” Regarding the future, EMTG aims to continue reaching more European nurses who are willing to expand their career in the Netherlands. Linda elaborates: “Our biggest successes are seeing the nurse’s development in their personal and professional life. They join the programme with non-existent Dutch language knowledge but once they start working, they can perform their nurse duties in Dutch and independently. It is also very pleasant to see how quickly they integrate into Dutch culture and activities, from biking to making local friends. Furthermore, knowing how well qualified they are and how they have used this to their advantage to expand their professional careers, is very gratified to experience as we consider their success, our successes too.” Contact:
[email protected] Company: European Multi Talent Group Health Care Web Address: www.emtg.nl
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