GHP Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Awards 2018 (Packages)

The Tertiary Package • Main front cover image and headline on the celebratory magazine • Four pages of editorial at the front end of the magazine – approx. 3,000 words • 4 crystal trophies • 12-month interactive web banner on the GHP homepage • Personalised digital logo • Bespoke digital certificate • Personalised press release • 6-page dedicated e-brochure – ideal for sharing with clients and available in hard copy • Article Frame – Designed to display your magazine inclusion, surrounded by a sophisticated frame in double layered mounting TheFachkrankenhausCoswigHospital acenter forpneumology,allergology, respiratorymedicineand thoracicsurgery, whichhasagreatanddecades long experience in the treatmentofbronchial and lungdiseases.Weprofiled thefirmand explore thesecretsbehind itssuccess. Specialised Hospital Coswig ghp Research, Translation, Commercialisation Health Platform – USA Dermatologist of the Year 2017 - London Main front cover image and headline Four pages of editorial 4 Crystal Trophies 16  HP170008 Asaworld-class organization withexceptional scientistsand experienced leaders, ChemPartnerunderstandswhat it takes tobe thepartnerof choice fordrugdiscoveryand pharmaceuticaldevelopment. Asglobalpharmaceuticaland biotechnology companies look for serviceorganizationswho canprovide intellectual input, alongwith technicalexpertise, ChemPartner standsout to benotonlyaglobal contract researchandmanufacturing organization (CRO/CMO),but alsoa truepharmaceutical researchalliancepartner.Livia Legg,ChiefCommercialOfficer, discusses the firm’s specific focus. “Since its inception in2002, ChemPartnerhasevolved fromapure chemistryprovider located inChina toaglobal, drugdiscoveryanddevelopment serviceorganizationwith laboratoriesandbusiness operations inChina, theUS, Europe,and Japan. Inaddition toChemistry,ourportfolioof services includesBiology, Biologics,DrugMetabolism Pharmacokinetic (DMPK), andChemicalManufacturing andControl (CMC) forboth smallmoleculeandbiologic therapeutics. Ourgrowth and transformationare fueled by successfullyoperatinga businessmodelbasedon operationalexcellence, customer satisfaction,and value creation.” Experience isa key factor in the successofChemPartner. The companyand its staffofexperts are fullydedicated tohelping clients reach time-sensitivegoals and to fulfillhighexpectations, somethingLiviaexplains. “Over thepast15 years in business,ChemPartnerhas acquireddeep institutional knowledgeandexperience aswellas demonstrateda track recordof success. Our leadership teamhasbreadth anddepthof knowledge indrug discoverygained throughmany yearsofpharmaceutical industry experience. Our scientists provide intellectual input to our clients and jointly solve complex scientificand technical problems.” Aswithanymajor company, ChemPartnermustoffer somethingunique inorder to attractbusinessand clients. ChemPartnerdoes thisby working cohesively,both internallyandwith clients,and byboastingahigh-quality team collaboratingonaworldwide basisasLiviapointsout. “ChemPartner is comprisedof experienced,dedicated,and passionate individualswitha love for scienceand commitment to service. Ourmottoat ChemPartner isOneTeam, OneSuccess. Thisoperational philosophyguideshowwe thinkandact,and isevident in thewaywe communicate, coordinate,and collaborate withour colleaguesand clients. Additionally,webalance the benefitsofglobal reachwith theneed for localpresence byoperating laboratoriesand offices inmajorpharma/biotech hubs throughout theworld.This enablesus todevelop face-to- face relationships,establish mutualunderstandingand trust, formproductiveand long-term partnerships,anddevelop cross- functionalChemPartner-client teams.” Withadynamic forceof synthetic andmedicinal chemists, ChemPartner continues tobe a leading chemistry service organization. The company has successfullydesigned and synthesizedmillionsof molecules forhundredsof pharmaceuticalandbiotech companiesworldwide. However, ChemPartnerdoesnot just focus on chemistry. “Chemistry isa cornerstone business forChemPartner,and we continue to invest inour chemistryand knowledge-based drugdesign laboratories in Chinaand theUS. Leveraging ourexpanded serviceportfolio, we couple chemistry together withourbiologyandDMPK capabilities todelivera truly integrated solution fordiscovering chemical “hits”and transforming them into candidatedrugs. ChemPartner’s rapidgrowth in biologicsmirrors the industry trend,andourbiologics team has theexpertise todiscover, Best Life Science CRO 2017 express,purify,andanalyze monoclonalantibodiesand recombinantproteins. “Asour clients’programs progress to first-in-human studies,ourCMO companies, ChinaGatewayPharmaceutical DevelopmentandChina GatewayBiologics, seamlessly transferprojects from late preclinical intoearly stage clinical through theirpharmaceutical development,process development,and cGMP manufacturing services.” Because thepharmaceutical researchanddevelopment landscape is constantlyevolving, ChemPartnermust remainahead of the curve.Liviaexplains thatChemPartner stayson the leadingedge through continued advancements. “Asa science-drivenand technology-basedCRO,we are committed toproviding innovative solutions to serve the rapidly changingneedsofour clients. Webuild for the future by remainingon the forefront of scienceand technology. To thisend,we listen toour clients, participate in industrymeetings, and consultourScientificAdvisory Board to identifyemerging trends andensurewe remain current and competitive. Further,we attract talentwith keyexpertise anddevelop future leaders throughmentoring, training,and educationalprograms, including an international visiting scientist program.” 17 Company:ChemPartner Contact:SarahStapleton Email: [email protected] Address:No.5Building,998HaleiRoad, ZhangjiangHi-TechPark,PudongNewArea, Shanghai201203,China Phone :00862151320088 BestLifeScienceCRO2017  Lastly,withChemPartner aiming to capitalizeon its recent success,Livia confirms that the strongorganizationwill continue toworkhardand smart toprovide high-quality services to their clientsand sustaina successful future for the company. “ChemPartner’s success is poweredby the successofour clients. Wewill continue toalign ourgoals,develop innovative solutions,andexecute tailored strategies toenableour clients to successfullybringnewmedicines tomarket.” <<Award>> <<CompanyName>> This is toCertify: HasBeenNamed: 20  TheParkside Suite,Frimley, isan exceptionalprivate unitwithinFrimley ParkHospital,partof FrimleyHealthNHSFoundation Trust inSurrey.Annette talksus throughwhatpatients canexpect from thisaward-winningunit. “TheParksideSuite isa dedicatedprivateward situated withinanNHSFoundationTrust, withallprofitsgeneratedby apatients’stay re-directed to enhanceNHS serviceswithin FrimleyHealthNHSFoundation Trust.TheSuitehasadedicated multi-cultural teamwhoare passionateabout the care they deliver.This isatall levelsand includeshousekeeping; catering; financeandbookings;andour clinical teamsofhealthcare assistances,nurses, sistersand consultants.Each teamprides themselveson the care they deliverandallare conveniently locatedwith theParksideSuite. HP170019 healthcareservices,thecostofwhichhelpssupport theNHSservicesprovidedwithin the hospital.WespoketoAnnetteGodolphin to learnmoreabouthow this isachieved. “Eachandeveryoneofour patientsat theParksideSuite canexpecthealthcareof the highestquality,and feel secure in the knowledge that someof the region’s finest specialistswork within thehospital.Thanks to ourunique location,ourpatients haveaccess to themostup-to- date technology, treatmentand scanning facilities.” “Staff reallymake thehealthcare experience;however,weneed toensure thatweareproviding patientswith themost cutting edge technologicalhealthcare solutions, inorder tomake sure their recovery isproperly monitoredand controlled. Toachieve this, theunithas access toa varietyof facilities within thehospital, including operating theatreswhichare fullyequipped toundertakea wide rangeof surgeries.These include specialisedorthopaedic procedures,whichare carriedout inour clean-air theatre.Aspartof ourdedication to innovation, five ofourprivate roomsareequipped withDraeger cardiacmonitors for our cardiologypatients.” Workingwithawide varietyof patients, theunit is keen tooffer eachandeveryoneof them thehighest levelof support,as Annette is keen toemphasise. “Ever flexible,weoffer care toboth insuredand self-fundingpatients. Privatemedical treatment isa personal choiceandwe find that youngandold,professionalor retired individualswant to take advantageof shorterwaiting times, flexibleappointmentsand continuityof care.” “Toensureeveryonewe treat receives the support theyneed, ourmission is toguarantee ourpatients’and their families’ journey isof thehighest standard,whether theyare withus foradayprocedureor foramore complex casewe want toprovide transparentand understanding care forall.Our detailed ‘patientpathway’allows patients tounderstand the care theywill receive. This includes our team liaisingwith insurance companieson thepatients’behalf andassistingwithpriceand care packages thatareavailable.” “Onceapatienthashad their procedurebooked, theywill be contactedby thebookings teamwhowill inform themof pre-opappointments,detailsof admissionandexpected length of stay. After theirprocedure, Best Private Healthcare Service - Surrey should they require it,wehave specialist teamswithinFrimley ParkHospitalwho canassist with,occupational therapy, dietetics, speechand language therapy,painmanagementand post-operative care.” “WithFrimleyHealthNHS FoundationTrustacquiring WexhamParkHospital,we haveabsorbed theirprivateunit, formerlynamed theParagon Suite.Thishasbeen rebranded as theParksideSuite,Wexham, andamajor refurbishmentof thisunitwillprovidepatients in theBerkshireareawitha further choicewhenbookingprivate treatment.Weunderstand the constantneed to improve the servicesweprovide. With this in mindwehave introducedaprivate GPService. Patients canmake flexibleappointmentswithour in housePrivateGP, theyassistwith varioushealth issues forall the family including;health checks, vaccinations, immunisations injectionsandemergency prescriptions.Wealsooffer complimentary initial cosmetic consultations, themostpopularof whichare; varicose veins,breast augmentations, tummy tucks,mole removalandblepharoplasties.” Ultimately, theParksideSuite hasalreadyachievedextensive success,howeverasAnnette is keen tohighlight, the teamwill notbe restingon its laurelsand is keen to continueproviding the exceptional standardof careon which theunithas come topride itself. Healthcare &Pharmaceutical Awards2018 Article Frame 12-month interactive web banner Your Banner Here Personalised digital logo Company Name Award Title Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Awards 2018 W I N N E R