GHP Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Awards 2018 (Packages)
The Secondary Package • Front cover logo • Two pages of editorial – approx. 1,800 words • 1 crystal trophy • Personalised digital logo • Bespoke digital certificate • Personalised press release • 3-month interactive web banner on the GHP homepage Two pages of editorial 1 crystal trophy Front Cover Logo Personalised digital logo TheFachkrankenhausCoswigHospital acenter forpneumology,allergology, respiratorymedicineand thoracicsurgery, whichhasagreatanddecades long experience in the treatmentofbronchial and lungdiseases.Weprofiled thefirmand explore thesecretsbehind itssuccess. Specialised Hospital Coswig ghp Research, Translation, Commercialisation Health Platform – USA Dermatologist of the Year 2017 - London 3-month interactive web banner 9 Company:ZahedaSkincare Contact:ZahedaHafez Address:1HarleyStreet,London,W1G9QD,UK Phone:02073078712 BestLaserSkincareTreatmentCentre–London&BestSkincareProducts -London “The3StepsSkinCareSchedule ZahedaHafez SkinExpertandFounder 8 HP170020 Best Laser Skincare Treatment Centre – London & Best Skincare Products - London ZahedaSkincarewasfoundedbyZahedaHafez,whopossessesa wealthofexperience intheskincare industry.Zaheda tellsusmore abouthercompany,discussesherskincarerangeandprocedure,and howthismakes thecompanysuccessful. Inspiredby the clients shehas advisedover the years,SkinExpert andFounderZaheda Hafezapplied twodecadesof expertise, in collaborationwith leading skin care scientists to createZAHEDASKINCARE.A highquality science-led skin care range, formulatedwithaunique blendofmarineandbotanical actives thatwork synergistically toproduce impressive results. Zahedadiscusses theprinciple ingredientofherproductswithus, andexplainswhat researchwent in tomaking thebestproduct. “Theprinciple ingredient inour products,WakameSeaKelp, PhytassenceWakame isderived fromanexotic kelp (seaalgae) andhasbeen shown tohelp inhibitanenzymatic reaction that breaksdown the skin’s supply ofhyaluronicacid.Scientific studieshave shownhyaluronic acid to improve skinhydration and stimulate theproductionof collagenandelastin in the skin, reducing theappearanceof fine linesandwrinklesandhelp keep the skinmoreplump, supple firm and youthful.” Toensureexcellent results she offers clientsguidanceon their use.Zahedaoutlineson the procedurewhichhelps toget the best results fromherproducts, settingouta3-stepplan. “FollowingThe3StepsSkin CareSchedule, clients should choose3products in total.One from1 to cleanse,one from2 toexfoliate,andone from3 to moisturise.Clients should then simply cleanse,exfoliateand moisturise twiceaday, to reveal andmaintainmoreglowing youthful looking skin.” From theZahedaSkincare range clients can choose thebest products for their skin type. • Deep SeaCleanse (1a) • Ocean Tone (1b) • Ultra SmoothSeaPolish (2) • Sea CollagenMarine Serum(3a) • Marine FluidShineFree (3b) • Marine BoostSuperSerum (3c) • Ultimate YouthLift (4a) • Ultra Ligh DermaWhite (4b) • Sea CollagenMarineBody Serum (5) Ultimately,havingpreviously foundedTheLaserTreatment Clinic inHarleyStreetLondon, there isa lot tobeoptimistic about.Outstandingproductsare vital toensuringa successful business,andwith sucha diverse range,ZahedaSkincare isguaranteed toattractmore clientele,andbuildupon the solid foundationsalready laidout. Your Banner Here Company Name Award Title Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Awards 2018 W I N N E R
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