GHP Global Excellence Awards 2024 17 GHP Q2 2024 hen investing in the very best treatments for your skin, you need to know that, above all else, your wellbeing remains at the top of any clinic’s priority list. In the case of Absolute Aesthetics, experts promise to guide clients into a caring environment that’s been specifically crafted to enrich the enhancement experience, both in terms of safety and serenity. From the moment a patient enters the clinic, they’ll be met with professionals who, equipped with a detailed understanding of dermatology, will deliver minimally to non-invasive aesthetic treatments to any hoping to boost their natural beauty. From electro surgery to its renowned miraDry treatment, Absolute Aesthetics demonstrates the endless possibilities of aesthetic enhancements, without once diminishing the inner beauty of its patients. As opposed to trying to stop ageing altogether, Absolute Aesthetics has developed its own definition of anti-ageing – one that instead focuses on encouraging graceful ageing that honours the already existing visage of its patients. Once it identified exactly how it wished to approach ageing on behalf of its clients, Absolute Aesthetics went on to compile a comprehensive range of injectable treatments to choose from. Administered by the clinic’s expert nurse injector and nurse prescriber, these treatments encompass an array of enhancements – from dermal fillers that seek to restore lost volume and enhance facial contours, to neurotoxins that help to relax the muscles responsible for dynamic wrinkles. Regardless of what a patient is hoping to get out of their unique treatments, Absolute Aesthetics is fully prepared to go above and beyond to ensure they receive the outcome they’re pining for. In addition to its injectable treatments, the clinic also offers both advanced electro surgery and minimal excision services that have been engineered to address unwanted lumps, bumps, and skin growths. Leveraging state-of-the-art equipment and techniques, in combination with skilled practitioners who live and breathe their craft, Absolute Aligned with the belief that true beauty is what emanates from within us, Absolute Aesthetics is a sister branch of The Whiteley Clinic whose sole purpose revolves around uplifting all manner of clients. Driven by its desire to empower individuals to embrace their own unique beauty with pride and enthusiasm, the clinic has cultivated a selection of services that certainly live up to the level of quality outlined by The Whiteley Clinic. Below, we explore how Absolute Aesthetics has distinguished itself as an entity capable of providing unparalleled aesthetic treatments and personalised care to patients, and how its commitment to enhancing one’s natural beauty has earned it the title of AntiAgeing Aesthetics Specialists of the Year 2024 - Southern England. Enhance Your Natural Beauty Aesthetics promises precision and comfort across each of its treatments. Though some may say that beauty is pain, Absolute Aesthetics believes that you can attain true natural beauty without having to endure an unpleasant experience. It’s this very nature that defines the clinic, and is what has earned it a reputation as one of the least invasive aesthetics clinics within the area. On the topic of non-invasive treatments, one enhancement that Absolute Aesthetics is particularly proud of is its miraDry treatment. Meticulously designed to reduce underarm sweat and odour, miraDry is a revolutionary, non-invasive treatment that utilises advanced microwave technology to seamlessly and painlessly target sweat glands in the underarm area. As a result, patients can embrace each and every moment of their lives, without having to fret about perspiration ruining otherwise unforgettable experiences. It’s clear that, before it was even conceived, Absolute Aesthetics had a vision for what it wanted to be for its patients, and its tireless work to achieve this goal has seen it championing Southern England’s aesthetics sphere. Though it may have begun as an extension of The Whiteley Clinic, Absolute Aesthetics has certainly found its own identity throughout its lifetime. In doing so, it’s earned recognition from far and wide, with patients travelling across the country to indulge in its minimal to non-invasive treatments. As such, we believe no clinic is quite as deserving of the title of Anti-Ageing Aesthetics Specialists of the Year 2024 - Southern England as Absolute Aesthetics, and we look forward to witnessing its continued excellence in the near future. Contact: Caprice Chislett Company: Absolute Aesthetics at The Whiteley Clinic Web Address: W Feb24190