GHP Global Excellence Awards 2024 38 GHP Q2 2024 Sex is still very much a taboo subject in our society, with people embarrassed or afraid to seek out help and advice regarding their sex lives. However, at the same time, it is well known that sex is an that act transcends the physical and plays a wider part in both our relationships and wider health. Determined to reignite sexual desire in men and women alike, all whilst breaking down barriers and overcoming the unnecessary stigma attached to the subject, Dr. Sherif Wakil is responsible for the Best Sexual Rejuvenation Clinic 2024 – UK thanks to his pioneering O Concept™ Protocol. In essence, the O Concept™ Protocol is the value that defines Dr. Sherif Wakil’s Dr. SW Clinics, with this concept guiding Sherif and his team to treat all patients how they wish to be treated, leveraging the safest and most effective treatments to get transformative and lasting results. Sherif tells us that the most common phrase he hears from patients is, “Dr., you have changed my life”, something achieved primarily though the clinic’s speciality area, offering a number of natural processes and treatments that tackle male and female sexual dysfunction. As the first doctor in Europe to introduce cutting-edge techniques such as the P-Shot and O-Shot, whereby platelet-rich plasma is injected into the penis or vagina to rejuvenate sexual desire and considerably enhance sexual pleasure, Sherif has recognised that an increasing number of patients globally are fed up with having to take endless pills or resort to surgery to tackle their intimate issues. In the decade since beginning this journey, Sherif has set about creating non-surgical solutions to all of these common and treatable problems. These non-invasive treatments are available globally, provided by Europe’s biggest male and female sexual dysfunction treatment centre. All last approximately 20 to 40 minutes and have so far yielded no side effects or downtime in patients. More than 30,000 satisfied persons from over 90 countries have already been treated, and video testimonials of them explaining their journeys can be found on Dr. Sherif’s YouTube channel. Following on from such successful case studies, these methods are all trademarked globally under Sherif’s name. Diving deeper into the O, or Oakland, Concept™ Protocol, this is an umbrella term for more than 60 different male and 60 different female treatments, with these solutions spanning areas of medicine ranging from regenerative through to functional. Whatever solution is best for a patient will be meticulously worked out through a robust initial consultation, with a detailed questionnaire filled in ahead of a consultation with one of the doctors, who will then specify elements such as the interval and intensity of the chosen treatment. Even with more than 120 treatments already to his name, the future of sexual rejuvenation is about to get a whole lot brighter, with Sherif seeking to further explore regenerative medicine and the latest stem cell techniques in order to further strengthen the outcomes he provides to patients. A true pioneer who has worked in world-class institutions across Europe and the Middle East, Dr. Sherif Wakil has earned a reputation as an MOT station for sexual wellness, oxygenating the penile and vaginal tissue to help people feel younger for longer. After all, anti-aging is the new norm, and these treatments are revolutionising the future of sex, particularly for the older generations. As Sherif explains, “sexual dysfunction is simply part of the aging of our bodies. When your eyesight ages and you wear glasses, nobody looks at you differently. When the hair goes grey and you see wrinkles on the face, it is taken for granted.” Ultimately, It is the mission of Dr. Sherif to make attitudes towards sex and aging as commonplace and accepted as these, as well as providing the necessary remedies. Whether a woman is going through the menopause or vaginal dryness, or a man is tackling andropause (often referred to as “the male menopause”), erectile dysfunction, or premature ejaculation, Dr. SW Clinics has the means to unlock sexual rejuvenation, a process that starts from within. All of the patients that seek out these services find themselves in desperate need of help, determined to reverse the domino effect that sexual dysfunction can have on a person’s life. Like all things, this starts with a first step, and that is simply talking. For more information about these services or to book a consultation, click on the link below, and kickstart the journey to a revitalised sex life with help from the visionary Dr. Sherif Wakil. Contact: Dr. Sherif Wakil Company: Dr. SW Clinics/The O Concept™ Protocol Web Address: The Godfather of Sexual Rejuvenation