Global Excellence Awards 2022

GHP Global Excellence Awards 2022 33 GHP Q2 2022 for clear and transparent management between public and private sector interests and where they need to be separated – and where they may overlap. An exciting initiative is the Industry Partnerships Program: This includes the Health Technology Innovation Platform (HTIP) which facilitates collaboration between a number of innovative pharmaceutical organizations and public sector stakeholders to collectively define priority policy issues and topics that require evidence generation and pursue productive dialogue to develop solutions to complex challenges. Another is the Life Sciences SME Commercialization Platform which supports life sciences innovators with analyses that guide early investment and commercialization decisions, as well as supporting market-ready companies to trial and model their economic value proposition for market access and adoption. The IHE has a goal to find rigorous and evidence-informed ways to get valuable innovations into use for the benefit of patients. This means helping payors to be ‘tough but fair’ customers and to work with payors and industry to develop ways to reduce uncertainty and manage risk. We need innovation in health technologies but also ongoing innovation in policies used to assess and pay for emerging technologies. IHE is leading the way in some exciting new approaches, such as Research Oriented Market Access. Another leadership area for the IHE is pandemic preparedness and collaborations across disciplines to serve decision-makers. The IHE is leading the One Society Network ( which is bringing economists, mathematical modellers and policy makers from all sectors of society to collectively prepare a whole of society response to future pandemics (education, transportation, health, agriculture, economic development, etc.) The IHE is committed to produce products and programmes which can withstand critical appraisal and continue to earn the trust that decision-makers, health providers, industry and the public have shown in them to provide evidence-informed analysis and advice. Company: Institute of Health Economics Contact: Dr Christopher McCabe, CEO Email: Website: The Institute of Health Economics (the IHE) is a non-profit research organisation that has become home to the largest team of health economists in Canada supporting both public and private sector partners to find, test and implement sustainable solutions to healthcare problems. Global Health & Pharma magazine recognises the IHE as the Best Health and Economics Institute - 2022.We take a closer look at this vibrant and rapidly growing organization as it supports dynamic partnerships to inform health policy and practice. The IHE is moving quickly to fulfil its vision to be “widely recognised as a leader in supporting decision-makers and industry innovators to get the most value from the health system and to wisely prepare for the future.” (ref IHE 2021-24 Strategic Plan.) The IHE actively seeks clients from the public and private sector but its core foundational funding is through multi-year grants from the public sector. Senior public servants and representatives from academia and executive health system management sit on the IHE Board of Directors. The IHE is increasingly having national impact and recently has been made an eligible research organization to receive national research funding from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, the main health research funding body in Canada. While directly serving its own health system, the IHE also has deep international connections and serves as the secretariat for the International Network for Health Technology Assessment Agency (INAHTA). The IHE is creating a hub of health economic talent, within its own organization and also through leading a provincial Network of Alberta Health Economists (NOAHE It is university affiliated but not a university research centre, and not a for-profit research company. It provides academic rigour while delivering bespoke policy products and research in the responsive manner that decision-makers need. The IHE has a strong record of publication, not only through its own website but through peerreviewed journals and has established a Chief Scientific Officer position to support ongoing excellence in its methods. The IHE, along with all public and private sector organisations, is facing the challenges brought about through the current global pandemic. It is a time of unprecedented opportunity and urgency, where all sectors need to work together and the IHE has proven itself as an honest broker for the collaboration needed to support high quality health policy and practice. With its’ efforts to expand diversity in core funding, the IHE is acutely aware of the need Seeking Solutions through Evidence and Economics Mar22506 Dr. Christopher McCabe, IHE CEO