GHP / Commercial Cannabis Awards 2021 19 Dec21304 Established as theUK’s LeadingCannabis InfusedProductsManufacturer, PhytoPur Bioproduces the purest andbest plantbasedproducts on themarket. PhytoPur Bio is foundedon the principle of being environmentally friendly and sustainable byusing alternative solutions anddrawing inspiration toproduce anddevelophighquality productswith the best quality ingredients. Leading Cannabis Infused Products Manufacturer - UK At PhytoPur Bio, the company works within a state-of-theart facility, run by a team of highly trained and advancedly experienced scientists who can continually and efficiently deliver plant-based formulations that exceed industry standards. As a result, the company produces a wide range of products from hemp-based CBD oils, skincare and body care to hair care and pet products. Moreover, many individuals can utilise these products as they are developed to be artificially preservative-free, vegan, organic, hypoallergenic and are dermatologically tested. Developers of white label and custom cosmetics and skincare containing CBD extracts, PhytoPur Bio manufactures an incredible range of lifestyle products. Its products are developed by leading innovators, passionate individuals, and renowned scientists, utilising the best ingredients to maintain and exceed industry standards and a reputation that permeates through the market. Striving to be as environmentally aware as possible and with sustainability at the heart of everything it does, PhytoPur Bio is founded on the principles of quality, value and experience that encompasses the natural nature of the environment. Throughout the UK and Europe, markets are currently restricted to the use of flowers and extracts. However, PhytoPur Bio’s founder and CEO Michal Takac states, “the development and adoption of targeted products with alternative delivery options combined with better education and training for prescribing clinicians should drive acceptance and prescriptions to higher levels. Therefore, we are developing, sourcing and licensing new medical cannabis products for specific EU territories, which we believe will soon benefit from the easing of restrictions in the selected markets, including the potential for recreational products.” Michal is a passionate advocate of cannabis products and has been for over a decade. The dedication and respect for the produced naturally stemmed as the only form of useful pain relief for post-trauma treatment after he was involved in a harrowing industrial accident. Thus, his curiosity emulsified into an indepth exploration of cannabis and its potential as a medical and wellness product. Eventually, Michal opened his first retail store in the UK in 2013. So naturally, it created a surge in media attention. It was subsequentially featured in multinational print and broadcasting media outlets such as Financial Times, Evening Standard, Independent, Daily Mail, Express, and Mirror. With amplified recognition and with the publics genuine interest in the cannabis market, Michal was able to pioneer the introduction of wellness cannabis products to various retailers over his successful career, including over 400 independent pharmacies and an abundance of independent health and well-being stores across the nation including features in Austria, Netherland, Hong Kong, and online platforms such as Amazon. Now, Michal aims to bring his collected experience and expertise within the sector to PhytoPur Bio and market its highquality and competitively priced products within the industry. However, like any business industry, there are known to be challenges, and currently, for PhytoPur Bio, the biggest challenge has been explained by Michal. “Margins for some CBD products have been unrealistically high, and like all maturing markets, as supply and competition increase, the importance of an established and reliable supply chain for highquality lower-priced products will be a key to success and profitability. Thus, PhytoPur Bio has focussed on establishing and developing its supply and manufacturing capabilities since our beginning in the industry.” Currently, for PhytoPur Bio, the company is directly focusing on its new range of functional topical products for the new year ahead. In addition, it has been developing a series of pricecompetitive medical cannabis for the EU markets. The company has never strictly followed the market trends due to its founder Michal, who began within the industry over eight years ago. Michal pioneered through the initial wave of entrepreneurs across the UK market and has risen to be one of the more notable figures within the sector. Now, at PhytoPur Bio, the company has the collective ability to ensure it’s not just following trends but setting them. For 2022, Michal explains, “we believe we will see further industry consolidation and pressure to increase quality at lower prices. However, PhytoPur Bio is already in a position to meet both metrics on our client’s behalf.” Combined with its new medical cannabis product development and licence applications, PhytoPur Bio is excited about the future and prepared to maintain its place leading the industry towards innovative lifestyle care, one development at a time. Company: PhytoPūr Bio Limited Name: Michal Takac Email: Web Address: