2018 Alternative Medicine & Holistic Health Awards Packages Brochure

Bronze Package: Standard £595 Pay Now: £475 Pick N Mix: • One page of editorial • 1 x crystal trophy • Personalised digital logo • 3-month web banner advert on the GHP homepage • Bespoke digital certificate • Crystal trophy: Standard £295 / Pay Now: £235 • Personalised digital logo: Standard £250 / Pay Now: £200 • Bespoke digital certificate: Standard £250 / Pay Now: £200 • Full page of editorial: Standard £250 / Pay Now: £200 GHP / May2017 35 , What products and services does your firm provide? Themainproduct categorieswedevelopand produceare: • Holographic shrink sleeves; • Pressure sensitive labels; • Stand-uppouches; • Displayboxes; • Single serves; • Barwrapsand; • Canisters. Also,weare consideredbranding experts from logoand label designs to completed finalprint- readyartwork.Wehavebeen in the industry forover20 years andhave theexpertise tomake abrand significantly standapart fromothers. 1702GH03 A Good Sport What does your client base look like? PrimarilywilldealwithSports Nutrition companiesworldwide, although themajorityofour currentbusiness is theUSA. Recently,wehavebeen expanding toEuropeand the MiddleEast inabigway. Just lastweekwewereexhibiting at theFIBOTradeShow in Cologne,Germany.Attendees overall response toourbooth andwhatwewerepromoting was verypositive.Wealso cater tohigher-qualitynutritional food- related companies in creating specialty typepackaging. What are your firm’s unique selling points? We know the industry.Weare on thepulseofwhatworksand what’seffective.Weunderstand printingandnohow to interplay with special imaging features that othershavedifficultyduplicating. Weare veryprice competitive andofferexceptional, fast turnaround service.Thematerials weuse inourpackaging products is superior tomostand allows for less inaccuracies.We areextremelydetailedoriented andare conscienceofany discrepancieswhendeveloping final results. What are the main challenges facing your company today? Managing the currentgrowth weareexperiencing.Ensuring our clientsaregiven thebest possibleoutcome inpackaging options tohelpelevate their brands tonewandhigher levels. What are the main objectives for your business in the future? Tobe theglobal leader in sports nutritionpackagingand known as the companywho caresabout makingapositive impact toour clients’brandsandbottom lines. Iwould say…Steve Jobs, X-ChairofApple.Hisability to constantly innovateand create somewhat fashionable-like products thatpeopledesired, was simply remarkable. Name:DennisFowler Company:ARRANTI Email: [email protected] m W ebAddress:arranti.com Address:T oronto,CANADA Telephone: +19058547 421 x229 Inawordor two,ARRANTIaresportsnutritionpackagingandbrandingspecialists. Theyprovideguidanceandrecommendationsforavastarrayofpackagingoptions, asthis interviewwiththefirm’sDennisFowleruncovers. Alternative Medicine & Holistic Health Awards 2018 WINNER CERTIFICATE <<Award>> <<Company Name>> Alternative Medicine & Holistic Health Awards 2018 This is toCertify: HasBeenNamed:
