2022 Healthcare & Pharma Award Packages

Package Examples 2022

Global Health & Pharma are proud to announce the return of the seventh annual Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Awards, established to cast a shining light on the leading companies, practitioners and initiatives within this crucial and ever-evolving sector. Recent years have posed many threats to the health and well-being of millions worldwide, and thanks to the developments and perseverance of those within the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries, millions are able to live full and healthy lives, whilst having access to some of the best healthcare and pharmaceutical solutions to date. The Healthcare and Pharmaceutical industries continue to thrive, with innovative solutions and cutting-edge advancements being developed in laboratories and boardrooms worldwide. Therefore, Global Health & Pharma are proud to be at the forefront of recognising and rewarding the pioneers and dedicated leaders across the sector. Regardless of their size and reach, nominees within the Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Awards will be assessed and judged purely on merit and excellence; this approach enables us to ensure that only the most deserving and dedicated are acknowledged. The Global Health & Pharma team gather information independently from a variety of publicly accessible sources which are assessed alongside any material supplied by a nominating party or the nominee themselves. Final judgement is cast based on various criteria, including business performance, longevity, business growth, significant innovations and client feedback. Those who are successful within the Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Awards will be provided with optional materials to help demonstrate their success to customers, clients, and peers. We will offer a variety of promotional items and industry-leading services to enhance the impetus of any success whilst also assisting with the displaying of the victor’s acumen and strengths. Inclusion in the Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Awards remains the perfect opportunity to commemorate the challenging work undertaken by businesses, initiatives, and enterprises across the world. Introduction Complimentary Package Entry into the SEO Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Awards 2022 Directory Access to & use of the official press release www.ghp-news.com

695 GBP + VAT / 841 USD Full page of editorial Crystal trophy Personalised digital logo + Complimentary items Bronze Package

995 GBP + VAT / 1,205 USD Two pages of editorial (double page spread) Crystal trophy Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate + Complimentary items Silver Package 2022 WINNER (Company Name) (Award Title) ghpHealthcare & Pharma Awards 2022 www.ghp-news.com

Gold Package 1,595 GBP + VAT / 1,930 USD Front cover logo (your company logo on the front cover of the annual magazine) 2 pages of editorial (double page spread) Crystal trophy Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate + Complimentary items 2022 WINNER (Company Name) (Award Title) ghpHealthcare & Pharma Awards 2022

2,995 GBP + VAT / 3,623 USD Supporting front cover image & headline 2 pages of editorial (double page spread) Crystal trophy Wall plaque Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate 4-page digital e-magazine dedicated solely to your company + Complimentary items Platinum Package 2022 WINNER (Company Name) (Award Title) ghpHealthcare & Pharma Awards 2022 www.ghp-news.com

4,995 GBP + VAT / 6,045 USD Main front cover image & headline 4 pages of editorial 2 crystal trophies Wall plaque Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate 8-page digital e-magazine with 100 prints dedicated solely to your company Double page spread in a future issue of Global Health & Pharma + Complimentary items The Editor’s Choice Package 2022 WINNER (Company Name) (Award Title) ghpHealthcare & Pharma Awards 2022

Crystal trophy – 345 GBP / 420 USD Wall plaque – 345 GBP / 420 USD Personalised digital certificate – 245 GBP / 295 USD Personalised digital certificate – 245 GBP / 295 USD Individual Items www.ghp-news.com 2022 WINNER (Company Name) (Award Title) ghpHealthcare & Pharma Awards 2022

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