GHP November 2017 - Rejuvenation Dentistry

GHP / November 2017 33 Improving the Health Care of Patients g needs, but working together we have been able to leverage the individual strengths of our partners to effect positive change in the industry. Working with clinical experts, healthcare providers and managed care organisations, ACHC has developed enhanced standards in key treatment areas. Organisations like AIDS Healthcare Foundation, the Community Oncology Alliance, the International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization--as well as pharmacy schools at Fairleigh Dickinson and Campbell universities-- have all played a role in developing and shaping these programmes. ACHC maintains a comprehensive suite of educational resources through its Accreditation University division. These include live and on-demand webinars, the Accreditation Guide to Success workbook, survey tools and readiness checklists, industry- tested policy manuals, as well as personalised consulting services. “ACHC also provides training for consultants who wish to become certified to ACHC standards and utilises only certified consultants in any recommendations we make to pharmacies and healthcare agencies. ACHC’s customers represent a diverse profile: large and small, start-up and established, franchises, corporate and small proprietorships. It is not a singular approach and as such, we continue to expand and modify our offerings to meet our customers’ needs. In each case, it is fair to say that preparation is the key to a successful survey and education is the foundation for an organisation being well- prepared.” ACHC’s journey from its inception to its current standing as an internationally-regarded accreditor is an interesting one, Mr. Domingos tells us. “Over the years, ACHC has expanded from the USA to a broad international operation, with compliance solutions including hospice, home health care, DME, as well as pharmacy in all settings (including PCAB compounding), sleep, behavioural health and ambulatory care. Today, ACHC has US government deeming authority (approval) for home health, hospice and DME.” Most recently, ACHC received approval from Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD) for its home care accreditation programme. ACHC accredited its first home care provider in the UAE in February, 2017 and now owns more than 60% of the market share. “As far as providing compliance solutions outside the US, I think that so far ACHC has benefitted from being good listeners,” said Mr. Domingos. “While some accreditors rely heavily on their reputation (and ours is certainly a reputation that is well-earned), I think it is critical that we first try to understand the culture and the unique needs of the region, the needs of the government, of healthcare providers, and the needs of patients. We have demonstrated an ability to work with stakeholders in many nations to learn their pressing concerns and discover ways that our standards and processes can fit or be adapted to meet those needs.” Our People “Due to the specialised services ACHC provides, the qualifications and value added by the people we employ are critical to our success. Our surveyors are at the point of service delivery. We strategically recruit from among established, accomplished professionals in each health care field we support.” Mr. Domingos tells us that ACHC ensures that each surveyor undergoes uniform and regular training in ACHC standards and survey methods, and that each is evaluated based on their performance. “What distinguishes ACHC in our market is our consultative survey approach and the additional value provided through the survey experience,” said Mr. Domingos. “We are not just documenting deficiencies. We are trying to help providers improve. Even the most capable companies have room for improvement, and those that are most successful appreciate the insight we provide and incorporate our feedback into their quality improvement programmes.” According to Mr. Domingos, ACHC’s commitment to the industry’s foremost customer service relies on staff sharing one vision. “It is not just a high- minded aspirational slogan at ACHC,” said Mr. Domingos. “With customer satisfaction performance indicators linked to each employee’s scope of duties, as well as their compensation, we are unique as an accreditor in having each employee treat our customers’ issues with both the greatest care and urgency.” The CEO affirms that ACHC remains focused on identifying needs - or gaps in service - within the healthcare compliance sector and working with parties at all levels (national, payor, manufacturer, trade association, providers, etc.) that share ACHC’s vision of improving health care quality, safety and efficiency. While varied interests and economics of diverse stakeholder groups can present challenges for those committed to uniform standards as a means of improving quality, ACHC’s independence, industry expertise and customisable standards help forge and accelerate pathways to achieving desired healthcare outcomes. “ACHC will continue to respond to the dynamic needs for increased compliance and quality in the delivery of healthcare services. By constantly improving and refining our offerings and determining where market need compels our entry into new venues, we will continue to expand both domestically and internationally.” “Governments and policymakers seek means of ensuring quality health care that reduce the fiscal and human resource burden on public institutions. More and more they are looking to the private sector to fill that gap. ACHC is ideally positioned from a resource bandwidth and quality of service standpoint to be a part of that solution. Internationally, markets are evolving and many are looking to the US as a model from which to establish their own standards. If the success we have had in the UAE is any indication, the model ACHC delivers will continue to be very well received.“ “We strive to not only offer the industry’s premier compliance programmes, but to align our service menu with our customers’ business and expansion needs. With a broad array of educational resources and consulting options, ACHC is not only committed to providing the industry’s benchmark for accreditation, but also to helping healthcare providers achieve and maintain continuous compliance for the betterment of health care as a whole.” Company: Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) Name: J. Andrew Maddigan Email: [email protected] Web Address: Address: ACHC 139 Weston Oaks Ct. Cary, NC, 27513, USA Telephone: +1 919 785 1214 Customer perspectives “When determining the best fit for our organization, we wanted to engage in a long-term relationship that increased the value of our organization, provided guidance and education, and held us to the highest industry standards. In short, we were looking for a partner and found one with ACHC.” - Senior Home Care, Florida, USA “With other accreditors, we never felt like they were 100% there for us; some of them had their own agendas. With ACHC, we really believe their services add value to our organization and that their approach is both educational and supportive.” - Health & Home Care of Erwin,Texas, USA “It has been a very constructive journey for me and my team. We were given opportunities to learn and came out with rewarding results. We were able to establish a process and operate based on quality standards set by ACHC. It was not easy but in the end it was all worth it.” - Multi Medical Solutions Group of Companies (UAE) “We express our heartfelt gratitude for your dedication to ensure that our company is following the quality standards. ACHC surveyors are professional and highly qualified. We are happy to be part of ACHC.” - Ayadi Home Health Care (UAE)