GHP August 2015
ghp August 2015 | 23 The Strategic Research Agenda JPIAMR has developed a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), which outlines six priority topics that cover all relevant aspects of antimicrobial resistance. The agenda provides a blueprint to focus worldwide re- search efforts towards significantly reducing the risk that antibiotic-resistance poses to public health. The six priority topics are: • Therapeutics: Development of novel antibiotics and alternatives for antibiotics – from basic research to the market. • Diagnostics: Design strategies to improve treat- ment and prevention of infections by developing new diagnostics. • Surveillance: Standardisation and extension of surveillance systems to establish a global surveil- lance programme on antibiotic resistance and antibiotic use. • Transmission: Transmission dynamics. • Environment: The role of the environment as a source for the selection for and spread of AMR. • Interventions: Designing and testing interventions to prevent acquisition, transmission and infection of diseases which is caused by AMR. Calls for research proposals JPIAMR wants to stimulate and facilitate cross-bor- der research projects through calls for proposal. Each year, various joint calls are launched, many of these involving nations also outside Europe. Through international collaborations, the JPIAMR calls will facilitate the generation and application of new ap- proaches to overcome antibiotic resistance. Examples of calls include: . 1st Joint Call: Transnational call InnovaRe- sistance: Innovative approaches to address antibacterial resistance . 2nd Joint Call: Translational research on repur- posing of neglected antibiotics and character- izing antibiotics or antibiotic and non-antibiotic combinations to overcome bacterial antibiotic resistance . 3rd Joint Call: Transmission – ERAnet Cofund call (to open in December 2015) . 4th Joint Call: Research Networks (to open at the end of 2015) Workshops JPIAMR organises workshops to identify future joint actions. By bringing together experts from all relevant fields relating to a specific topic, the workshops can map the landscape and identify knowledge gaps. The added value of JPIAMR is that through its funding mechanisms and collaborative actions, the initiative can set in motion activities to fill these knowledge gaps. Examples of workshop topics: • Information Systems • Diagnostics • Research Infrastructures • Transmission Dynamics • Alternative Therapies Get involved Research on antimicrobial resistance in Europe is fragmented and few countries have specific programmes dedicated to this field. Therefore, 21 member countries to date have joined forces in the initiative to coordinate research, in order to allow greater impact and avoid duplication. Argentina Estonia Belgium Netherlands Canada Norway Czech Republic Poland Denmark Romania Finland Spain France Sweden Germany Switzerland Greece Turkey Israel UK Italy JPIAMR encourages and welcomes participation both from new national members and in our activities. Only by bringing togeth- er industry, public health bodies and academic bodies to share experience and resources across scientific disciplines will we be able to create long-term reduction of antimicrobial resistance. If you are interested to know more about the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance, do not hesitate to contact us at
[email protected] More information References 1. 2. Public funding for research on antibacterial resistance: A systematic analysis in the JPIAMR countries and the European Commission. Publication in review. 3. The Strategic Research Agenda ties/strategicresearc hagenda/ research
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