A facelift is intended to restore the youthful features of your face. It can correct sagging skin in both areas, which may contribute to jowls.

This surgical procedure is ideal for people whose facial and neck skin has started to sag but still have some elasticity.

A Fresh Start

A facelift procedure is a safe and effective way to reverse aging by treating skin laxity that causes sagging, loose or jowl-like facial features. The surgeon repositions facial muscles and tightens skin around your jawline, giving you back a youthful appearance as well as increased confidence.

A standard facelift is a surgical procedure that can take anywhere from two to six hours, depending on how much of the face needs treatment. The incision lines are well concealed and the end result is an entirely natural looking facelift.

The surgeon may also perform facial fat grafting to restore volume lost due to aging.

Facelift scars are well hidden within the hairline and around your ears, making them appear almost undetectable. However, healing of the incisions will take time before you notice a difference in appearance; typically, two to three weeks after having your facelift, you should begin feeling normal again.

A New You

A facelift is designed to restore you to your youthful self without looking overly plastic. It can combat signs of aging on the face and neck, such as jowls, skin laxity and wrinkles, without creating an unnaturally plastic look.

Facelift surgery is a safe and reliable surgical solution to address these concerns. The ideal candidate for a facelift typically ranges in age from 40 to 70 years old in good physical condition.

After your custom facelift, you may experience some swelling and bruising around the affected areas. This is normal and should dissipate over the course of several weeks.

Your surgeon may suggest taking ice, taking anti-inflammatories and receiving gentle massage to reduce discomfort. Additionally, avoid direct sun exposure in order to avoid discoloration of skin.

After one week, swelling and bruising typically start to subside. By then, most patients feel well enough to return to work; however, it’s still wise to avoid heavy or strenuous activities as this could slow down healing.

A New Beginning

Facelift procedures help restore natural facial features and are an ideal choice for those who want to look their best. Not only does it reduce facial aging concerns, but they also give you a refreshed, more youthful appearance that will boost your self-esteem.

This surgical procedure can be completed as an outpatient and does not necessitate a hospital stay. Tiny incisions are made around your hairline as well as along the natural contour of your ears and neck to create small incisions for comfort.

Once healed, incision lines become virtually undetectable to outside observers. They usually blend seamlessly into your hairline and the contour of your face for a natural-looking result that looks smooth and unnoticeable.

Though a facelift does cause some swelling, the recovery period is relatively quick and painless. Your incisions will be covered with an antibiotic ointment, and it’s recommended that you change the dressing two times daily for optimal hygiene.

A New Look

Facelift surgery helps to restore a more youthful facial appearance by combatting common signs of aging. By tightening facial tissues and removing or repositioning excess skin, facelift surgery can effectively counteract gravity, sun damage, heredity, smoking, and more by creating an even skin tone.

Traditional facelift surgery involves making incisions along the hairline and behind the ears to reach deeper layers of facial muscles and skin. The surgeon may redistribute fat around neck areas, lift and redistribute deep-layered tissue, then red rape skin over newly defined contours.

When the surgeon makes incisions, he takes great care to conceal them within the hairline and along the ear. This allows him to achieve excellent results and minimize visible scar tissue. The facelift procedure helps to restore natural face appearance while minimizing the appearance of scars.