In this article we would talk about different sectors of the industry: longevity brands and their achievements; traditional medicine achievements/innovations in 2022.

Longevity brands make your bones and muscles stronger

Regular exercise can help children and adolescents develop strong bones. It can also help to halt the aging process later in life. The human drive to stay young and live forever has long moved beyond the realm of imagination, shaking up the world of finance with a series of life-affirming jolts. Partly fueled by mythologies like the fountain of youth and vampiric regeneration, ambitious businesses from Silicon Valley, biotech, and pharma have carved diverse paths that might soon lead us to immortality, prolonged youth, and extended lifespans.

AgeX Treatments, which is listed on the NYSE, develops novel medications and advanced therapeutics to address human aging. The company’s goal is to break the code of cellular immortality in order to rejuvenate health and reverse the effects of degenerative illnesses and aging in people, using tissue regeneration technologies, small molecule medication delivery systems, and stem cell research. Michael D West, a notable biogerontologist and pioneer in stem cell research, cellular aging, cloning, and telomerase, created the business in 2017. Juvenescence Chairman Jim Mellon and CEO Dr. Greg Bailey both invested in AgeX early on.

People often report increased energy levels taking NMN orally. Studies show that NMN also increases stamina and endurance. NMN product studies have shown that taking NMN can mimic certain aspects of calorie restriction. While calorie restriction is an extreme example of losing weight, mimicking it with supplements would be beneficial.

Traditional medicine achievements/innovations in 2022

mRNA vaccines of the future. A novel method to the treatment of prostate cancer. New LDL-lowering treatments. According to a team of Cleveland Clinic physicians and researchers led by Dr. D. Geoffrey Vince, Executive Director of Innovation and Chair of Biomedical Engineering, these three game-changing innovations will alter healthcare in 2022.

PSMA-directed therapy. Each year, more than 200,000 Americans are diagnosed with prostate cancer—the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American men. Early detection and successful imaging are critical for tumor localization, disease staging, and detection of recurrence. Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA), found at high levels on the surface of prostate cancer cells, is a potential biomarker for the disease. PSMA-PET uses radiotracers to localize and bind PSMA proteins, making them visible by PET imaging. This method can be used in conjunction with CT or MRI scans to visualize the location of prostate cancer cells. In 2020, the technology received FDA approval based on a Phase 3 study and has significantly improved accuracy in detecting prostate cancer metastases compared to traditional imaging using bone and CT scans.

A new LDL-lowering therapy has been developed. High blood cholesterol levels, particularly low-density lipoproteins (LDL-C), are a major factor to cardiovascular disease. The FDA approved inclisiran in 2019 for the treatment of primary hyperlipidemia (including familial hypercholesterolemia) in people with increased LDL-C while on a maximum tolerated dosage of statin therapy. Inclisiran is a chemically manufactured injectable short interfering RNA that targets the PCSK9 protein. In contrast to statins, it takes just two doses per year and delivers effective and persistent LDL-C reduction when used with statins. Its long-lasting impact may aid in reducing drug noncompliance, which is one of the primary causes of failure to decrease LDL-C levels.

Nonhormonal treatments for menopausal hot flashes. Hot flashes affect more than half of menopausal women and can last for an average of seven years. When used correctly, hormone treatment is effective and safe, although it does carry some risk. Furthermore, not all patients are eligible for hormone treatment. Fortunately, NK3R antagonists, a new class of non hormonal medicines, have emerged as a potential alternative to hormone treatment. These medications impair a brain signaling system involved in the onset of heat flashes. In clinical trials, they showed promise for alleviating moderate to severe menopausal hot flashes as efficiently as hormones.

Hypertension and predictive analytics Hypertension, sometimes known as the “silent killer,” normally causes no symptoms while raising the risk of significant health issues such as heart disease, heart failure, and stroke. There are effective therapy alternatives available. However, many individuals are unaware that they have hypertension until they have a serious health problem. Using machine learning, a sort of artificial intelligence, clinicians may better identify more effective drugs, medication combinations, and doses to enhance hypertension management. AI will also enable clinicians to anticipate cardiovascular morbidities and act before they arise. Predictive analytics might help avoid hypertension and other disorders.