The world of hair is one that many people approach with no small amount of caution, whether it be considering a new trim, thinking about a new colour, or making a drastic change to its length. Taking care of your hair can give a person no small amount of confidence, and it is this confidence that people take with them into all manner of life experiences. However, when a person loses their hair, that does not mean that the confidence has to go altogether. Instead, hope endures in the form of Juvida Clinics. Discover why we awarded this outstanding clinic the title of Most Trusted Hair Transplant Clinic of 2020, the UK, last year.

Hair is something that many people place a great amount of emphasis on, as it can seriously affect an individual’s confidence and feelings about themselves. For those that lose their hair, whatever the circumstances surrounding that, there can sometimes come feelings of inadequacy or a distinct lack of self-confidence. It is at times like this the team at Juvida Clinics can help restore some of that lost confidence, providing life-changing hair transplants that result in quality looks and ultimate comfort. The team at Juvida Clinics is wholly dedicated and committed to ensuring that every patient that walks into the clinic is able to receive nothing but the best in terms of natural-looking results that are achieved using the very latest innovations in hair transplant treatment. Being able to look youthful, vibrant, and full of life is exactly what the team strives for, and the clients can have their hairline and confidence restored at the same time.

The firm’s name, “Juvida”, is an amalgamation of words that represent what it stands for, with “Juve” acting a prefix to youthfulness, and “Vida” meaning life. This combination of youthfulness and life is what the clinic seeks to give to every client that walks through its doors. Restoring a hairline is about more than just giving someone back their hair; it is about creating a sense of confidence that has possibly been lost with the loss of hair. Juvida Clinics understands that a lack of confidence may also stop people from seeking out the services of the clinic itself. That is why the staff team takes great care and enormous pride in their ability to be caring, professional, and deliver a stress-free service at all times. Ensuring that a patient feels calm enough to seek out professional help regarding their hair loss is imperative to Juvida Clinics, and it has certainly achieved that today.

At Juvida Clinics, the facility is a purpose-built clinic that boasts a spa-like feeling for those that are seeking a peaceful and tranquil environment in which to consider their various hair-related choices. The serenity of the facility means that every client feels at ease and comfortable throughout the duration of their consultation, treatment, and aftercare plan. All of the staff members also drive themselves to succeed for their clients. Everything is done for the clients. The hair transplant surgeons themselves are driven by a passion to maintain youthfulness, as per the name of the firm itself. Surgeons always work a key aim of restoring a hairline and, by default, a youthful appearance, and confidence that clients once had.

One of the ways that Juvida Clinics ensures that the client feels at ease from the get-go is by offering a free consultation with its knowledgeable team. This no-obligation and totally free consultation represents the perfect opportunity for prospective clients to ask those burning questions and find an ideal treatment that works for them. Hair transplant treatments take many forms and can serve many purposes, and finding the ideal treatment is absolutely imperative. This allows the client to do that before jumping into any decisions about what to do with their hair following a treatment. With treatments that have been meticulously designed to suit all manner of budgets and conditions, Juvida Clinics has quickly carved out a reputation for being the instant choice for many clients, including celebrities.

Focusing on several key areas of service, the team at Juvida Clinics specialises in hair loss treatments. What makes the clinic unique to the myriad of others on the market is its ability to treat patients over a long treatment time, actively trying to prevent hair loss on a more permanent basis than its competitors. Rather than treat problems as they arise, the clinic instead seeks to solve the problems on a long-term basis and give clients their confidence and hairline back for good. Juvida Clinics always strives to do what is best for client. Simple, yet effective. It is this philosophy which has seen the firm go from success to success, delivering outstanding service to every client that seeks it.

There are a number of treatments that Juvida Clinics offers, and each one offers something different to each patient. When people first begin to look into the possibility of hair transplant surgery, one of the first and most prominent treatments they discover is that of Follicular Unit Extraction, or FUE. Though it may initially appear as quite complex and intimidating, FUE is actually neither of those things and has no reason for the patient to feel anxious. Many individuals around the world have undergone this treatment with great success, and Juvida Clinics can ensure that same success for its patients. FUE is the most common advanced hair transplant technique, and involves the doctor administering a local anaesthetic prior to creating a circular incision around a follicular unit in the donor area. The hair unit is then removed from the skin using forceps, before being transplanted to the area that requires extra growth. Small holes are created in the recipient areas, and the follicle units are then reinserted.

Post-operative hair growth will occur for up to twelve months after the surgery has been completed, and Juvida Clinics will do everything it possibly can to ensure that every FUE hair transplant results in a natural finish that is tailored to the patient’s exact needs. Understandably, going through a surgery and process such as this is not an easy decision to make, and that is why Juvida Clinics addresses all questions, concerns, and queries at its consultation. The patient’s sense of relaxation, comfort, and confidence are of the utmost importance, and the clinic pays great attention to those areas. FUE may be a popular procedure for so many people that has changed their lives, and it could very well do the same for any patient that chooses it through Juvida Clinics.

Another of the key services provided by Juvida Clinics is that of ARTAS hair transplants. ARTAS is a piece of robotic machinery that was developed to perform the FUE procedure with maximum efficiency. The introduction of robotics into this field has revolutionised hair transplantation, for Juvida Clinics is one of a limited number in the UK that can offer robotics-based FUE. What separates ARTAS from regular FUE is that the machine utilises specific algorithms to identity the most suitable follicle units for transplantation, and boasts enough intelligence to choose the number of follicular units for extraction. It is at the very forefront of innovation in machinery and robotics, and Juvida Clinics’ patients can make full use of its fantastic power.

Celebrities have also changed the game, with Kim Kardashian being almost single-handedly responsible for the mainstream introduction of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment, also dubbed the “vampire” treatment. Now, the treatment has become increasingly popular as a method of treating hair thinning and loss, despite being originally introduced as a way of achieving a youthful skin complexion. Today, PRP Treatment can be used as an effective treatment for those in the early stages of hair loss. It can potentially encourage hair regrowth, resulting in visibly thicker-looking hair. There are no allergy risks, and the blood used in the treatment is taken from the patient’s own veins. Rather than be used as a method of regrowing hair, the PRP Treatment is used best on hair that are thinning, rather than those which have already been lost.

How exactly does the treatment work though? During the treatment, trained professionals at Juvida Clinics take blood from the patient and process it in a machine. The processed blood is then injected back into the patient, at the site of the scalp hair loss. What happens during the machine process is that the machine removes the platelet-rich plasma from red blood cells, which is believed to stimulate new cells. Taking less than forty minutes in its entirety, the full process is considered to be extremely safe and non-invasive. In order to see good results from this PRP Treatment, it is usually recommended that a patient has eight individual sessions of this treatment. However, this can vary and is dependant on the extent of hair loss and the condition of the affected area.

Finally, another key procedure that Juvida Clinics can provide is that of Semi-Permanent Scalp Micropigmentation. This is a treatment that is open to almost everyone, including those that have already had a hair transplant and want to further densify their look, or those that have been already deemed ineligible for a hair transplant. Scalp micro-pigmentation is the next best option for patients that fall into these two categories. In practice, it is a non-surgical procedure that can improve the appearance of hair loss. Instead of transplanting hair and bringing it back, the area is simply disguised to look like hair through tattooing pigments to the dermal layer on the skin in order to mimic the appearance of follicles. This process is also perfect for those looking to cover up scars and other imperfections around the hairline.

When dealing with the world of hair loss and hair treatment, it pays to have access to the best possible technologies, and that is exactly what Juvida Clinics has done. It is home to the world’s only robotic hair transplant system, called “ARTAS”, and the firm is soon looking to be in a position where it can purchase the NEOGRAFT, a highly advanced piece of machinery that would make Juvida Clinics the only clinic in Europe to have such machinery at its disposal. The clinic has actually spent more than one and a half million on the latest technologies, ensuring that every patient has access to nothing but the best in hair loss and haircare treatment. Technology is one thing, but having the knowledge and expertise to apply that technology in the right ways is another thing entirely.

Results are an important part of what Juvida Clinics has to offer to its clients. In order to guarantee that the results delivered are of the highest possible standard, the clinic reviews its clients at three, six, nine, and twelve months after their initial treatment date. If there are obvious gaps, or something fails to meet the exceptional standards that the clinic sets for itself, then the client is able to have those gaps filled in without being charged anything extra. There are no hidden fees or surprising charges that can leave a client with a sour taste in their mouth. Instead, Juvida Clinic guarantees results and the peace of mind that goes with having a beautiful head of hair.

Juvida Clinics has also been in a position where it is able to take enormous pride in the awards and industry recognition that it has achieved over the years. Though the clinic’s primary aim is, and always will be, the pursuit of incredible result for its clients, the awards and industry recognition serve to demonstrate that it is doing everything right and achieving the best possible results for its clients. Just recently, in 2019, the clinic received two awards which have only ever been granted to a small number of clinics across the entirety of the world. Last year, Global Health & Pharma Magazine awarded the clinic the title of The UK’s Most Trusted Hair Transplant Clinic 2020, and the successes just continue to come for the clinic and its staff.

Outside of the United States, Juvida Clinics is the only clinic in the world to have earned the ARTAS Platinum Status, and it is also an ARTAS Clinical Centre of Excellence. These awards are a fitting testament to the success of the clinic, and could not be awarded to a more deserving facility. The vast amounts of investment in the latest technology and the personability of the staff have all come together in a culmination of clinical excellence that ensures Juvida Clinics will long remain a staple of the hair loss treatment community and industry. Patients can have every option, and the staff’s willing to go above and beyond in administering the latest results shows with these awards.

Looking to the future, Juvida Clinics is currently undergoing a rebranding of sorts; a transplant, if you will. No doubt that will soon come to fruition and clients can look forward to a brand new, exciting future for the clinic. Juvida Clinics is also in the process of opening its own academy, where it will train other doctors in the art of hair transplants. With high-profile success cases inspiring more people than ever before to consider hair transplants, this academy will empower and enable doctors to have more open and honest discussions with patients about what their hair transplant needs may be.

Ultimately, Juvida Clinics is one of the finest hair loss treatment clinics not just in the United Kingdom, but in the world. Its exclusivity is matched only by the excellence it has achieved over the last several years. By working with some of the latest advancements and the most innovative techniques, Juvida Clinics continues to stand itself apart from the competition and deliver hair loss treatment services that are second to none. It is an outstanding facility, and is fully deserving of this latest success from Global Health and Pharma Magazine.

For business enquiries, contact Juvida Clinics on their website –