Oleato Olive Oil Coffee

A new trend has been gracing the palettes of coffee connoisseurs – the addition of olive oil into their morning brew. The trend has taken all over TikTok, and even celebrities are giving it a try.

Lucy Ward, marketing executive at Beanies Flavour Co, specialists in flavoured coffee, commented: “While the olive oil and coffee combination might have some merit, there are still a few disadvantages to consider before gulping on a generous cup of this ‘potion’. Just like with any other coffee variation, whether it’s a latte or a mocha, we want to make sure that it stands up to the flavour standards set by coffee and delivers the benefits that enhance our lives.”

Beanies Flavour Co delves into the olive and coffee flavours to determine the advantages and disadvantages of this combo and discuss whether this trendy concoction is a healthy choice or a questionable fad.

The bulletproof coffee formula

We’ve all seen it: a person plunging a hefty chunk of butter into their coffee in a video or a movie. Off-putting at first, but it has its reasoning behind it.

Olive oil is not the first condiment to enter the realm of coffee and fat combinations. Coconut oil, butter, ghee, and MTC oil are other high-fat alternatives to olive oil that find their way into coffee cups.

This amalgamation bears a name: Bulletproof Coffee, gaining approval among intermittent fasters and those who follow a keto diet, which has been gaining a lot of popularity lately. The popularity of the keto diet is expected to grow – with the global revenue reaching approximately $12.4 billion by 2028.

The formula is simple – coffee plus high-fat oil plus MCT oil – blended to frothy perfection, creating a latte haven for keto enthusiasts.

The basic premise is that incorporating healthy fats into your morning, coffee can promote the slow release of energy and keep you full longer while also kickstarting your metabolism. However, is this practice truly a game-changer or a risky experiment with your daily caffeine fix?

The science behind it

At first, the trend totally makes sense. Both coffee and olive oil have immense health benefits on their own.

Coffee lowers the risk of developing type 2 diabetes due to its ability to preserve the function of the beta cells in your pancreas, thus regulating blood sugar levels. It is also associated with a significantly decreased risk of heart failure and of death from cancer, as well as with a 21% lower risk of stroke.

For those looking to use coffee as a means of losing weight, coffee could aid weight management by influencing fat storage and supporting gut health.

Olive oil also has a host of benefits. What makes up the majority of its fatty profile is a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid (73% of the total oil content). Oleic acid has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and is highly potent in treating obesity.

When combined together, the two should make a powerful potion. But is that so?

A sure-fire way of boosting your energy

Who doesn’t want to kickstart their morning with a boost of energy?

Coffee is a great stimulant, and with the addition of high-fat content such as olive oil, it turns into a slow burner, providing you with sustained energy levels for longer. Olive oil is rich in Omega-3 and Omerga-6 fats, which slow down the process of metabolising caffeine.

Satisfying yet nutrient-light

One of the biggest perks of bulletproof coffee is that it can contribute to a feeling of fullness. The sustained energy achieved through combining coffee and high fats can minimise the urge to eat and help with appetite control.

A recent study highlighted bulletproof coffee’s ability to promote feelings of fullness. A bulletproof coffee that provided 250kcal per serving increased feelings of satiety and reduced the expectation of food consumption after three hours.

Nevertheless, coffee with olive oil is not a substitute for a healthy breakfast, which many keto fans consider it. Bulletproof coffee lacks vital nutrients suited for a balanced breakfast. Moreover, despite its reputation as a heart-healthy option, those with a history of heart disease or cardiovascular problems may want to avoid adding olive oil to their coffee and consuming extra fats.

High caloric consumption

One undeniable drawback of the iconic bulletproof coffee is the caloric density of olive oil. While healthy fats are beneficial, they are also calorie-rich. One spoonful of olive oil has about 119 calories. Adding olive oil to your coffee could lead to an unintentional increase in daily caloric consumption.

While some might praise bulletproof coffee for its ability to promote weight loss due to the improved feeling of fullness, the additional caloric intake counter-balances that effect.

Improved brain function?

While proponents of bulletproof coffee claim enhanced brain function, the available evidence remains insufficient to prove that. Both coffee and olive oil, independently, have been associated with potential cognitive benefits. Notably, a study revealed that bulletproof coffee doesn’t offer superior cognitive performance compared to black coffee alone.

So why not have a morning cup of classic black coffee followed by a nutritious Greek salad drizzled with olive oil instead of bulletproof coffee?

Mastering the flavour

“Whenever we talk about coffee, it’s crucial to touch upon flavour. Just like many different strains of coffee can provide you with a totally different coffee experience, there are various grades and types of olive oil. Each of them brings its flavour qualities, and when combined, they create an intriguing flavour profile,” said Lucy Ward, marketing executive at Beanies Flavour Co.

But is this flavour profile suitable for every palette? TikToker narczilla tried Starbucks’ olive oil latte, and his reaction was notably unfavourable, gaining him laughter and over 78k views.

Joanna from boksoongahs had a different experience. She tried the shaken espresso with olive oil and three pumps of toffee syrup. “My verdict? I like it!” said the influencer, and described it as similar to a caramel latte in terms of flavour, with the olive oil whispering a taste of spice at the back of your throat, “kind of like red pepper flakes”.

The bottom line

Recent research found that there is weak or limited evidence to support the purported benefits of Bulletproof Coffee, especially when it comes to its superiority over regular coffee in improving cognition, alertness, or energy levels.

Nevertheless, Bulletproof Coffee has certainly found its audience, particularly within the keto and intermittent fasting communities. Whether it’s a worthwhile substitution for regular coffee on a broader scale is a matter of question. Perhaps adopting a healthy and balanced diet coupled with regular exercise is a more universally effective approach to boosting metabolism, weight loss, and maintaining sustained energy levels.

Regardless, incorporating olive oil and coffee, either together or separately, can be a positive addition to your dietary choices.