Menopause is part of the ageing process of women. The ovary eventually stops producing eggs as you get older. When you stop having monthly periods for a year and are not pregnant or don’t have any disease that causes this, you are in menopause. Women in their 40s or 50s may experience this, although the average age they get to this stage is 52. Menopause has various symptoms, and some can be uncomfortable. We listed some common symptoms and how to prevent or treat them.

Difficulty sleeping

Women who are in menopause may have trouble getting sleep. It’s actually not just them; older adults often develop difficulties in sleeping. Creating a sleep routine can help resolve this problem. Your body will get used to it if you go to bed at the same time every day. Making your bedroom more comfortable by keeping it dim or dark and setting the right temperature could also induce sleep. Avoid taking caffeine before bedtime, as it would keep you awake. Some people find that using CBD products helps them get to sleep better. CBD flower UK providers offer different flavours to choose from. CBD also potentially boosts metabolism, which is another possible benefit since menopause could also cause metabolism to slow down.

Mood swings

Hormonal changes could cause mood changes in menopausal women. They could easily get irritated, exhausted, and anxious. If unable to manage these negative emotions, it could lead to more serious problems, like depression. Consult your doctor if you have difficulty controlling your feelings and thoughts. You may also try various ways to make you feel calm, like meditation and breathing techniques. Doing things that you enjoy can also make you feel better.

Discomfort during sex

Hormonal changes could contribute to lower libido and vaginal dryness, making sex uncomfortable or painful. Vaginal lubricants and moisturisers are available over the counter. There’s no need for a prescription to get them. They help make the vagina moist or lubricated, thus making sex more comfortable.

Hot flashes

Hot flashes or night sweats are sudden feelings of heat on the upper body, causing sweats and the skin to redden. The symptom can be mild to some women, but they can be severe and uncomfortable to others. Your doctor may prescribe medications to treat hot flashes. However, some lifestyle changes could relieve this symptom and provide comfort, including avoiding caffeine, spicy foods, and alcohol, as they can worsen hot flashes and other menopause symptoms. Maintaining a healthy weight through regular exercise and a balanced diet can also help as overweight women experience more frequent night sweats.

Urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is the involuntary leaking of urine, which could cause inconvenience and embarrassment. One way to prevent this is to avoid foods or drinks that could irritate the bladder’s lining, causing frequent and uncontrolled leaks. Pelvic floor exercise can also strengthen the pelvic muscles, helping control urine better.

The symptoms of menopause could last for years, but there are ways to relieve their discomfort. If it gets difficult to manage them, your doctor can help find the best treatment to make your life more comfortable.