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Research & Development

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Technology for Training – How Apps &…

According to cycling statistics from 2022, the average individual went on around 15 bike rides, covering a total distance of…

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Unlocking Patient-Centric Trails: eCOAs Best Practices for…

Patient engagement is pivotal in clinical trials, yet traditional methods for collecting patient-reported outcomes (PROs) often prove inadequate.

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International Compost Awareness Week: The Future Of…

As we observe International Compost Awareness Week, we should all be asking ourselves – is compostable packaging the pinnacle of…

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Real World Evidence and Responsible AI Practices…

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform healthcare delivery through its impact on healthcare systems, treatment outcomes, and patient…

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Juice Celebrates Sustainability Milestone and Introduces New…

Tech accessories brand Juice is more committed to growing its sustainable and wellness initiatives in 2024 than ever before. The…

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New Research into the Impact of Microplastics…

A new metastudy published in Cambridge Prisms: Plastics by Cambridge University Press, has identified a body of evidence demonstrating the…

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Fragment 176–191 Peptide: Properties and Research Uses

Studies suggest that this peptide may presents several opportunities for competent researchers to investigate, particularly in fatty tissue mitigation and…

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Pesticide & Fungicide Solutions Retailer of the…

Dating back as far as 2000BC, pesticides have been used to prevent pests from reducing a flourishing crop field to…

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Hundreds of Sickle Cell Patients to Benefit…

Children, young people, and adults across England suffering from sickle cell disease will soon benefit from better care closer to…

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