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Research & Development

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Tech Doping: a Serious Threat to Competitive…

Here we’ll discuss whether tech doping is the latest threat to competitive sport or whether it’s good news for athletes.

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Health Apps: Offering Wellbeing Solutions or Exacerbating…

With some insight from Jonjo Hancock-Fell at private health cover firm, Westfield Health, will explore how certain types of health…

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Why Wearable Technology Can Assist the Healthcare…

We want to explore whether wearable technology can successfully alleviate stress in the healthcare sector and ultimately assist it to…

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3 Ways the Food Hygiene in the…

Protecting consumers from food safety hazards is a primary concern of the UK government, which is why they introduced appropriate…

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3 Ways the Veterinary in the UK…

The Pet Food Manufacturer's Association has revealed that the population of pets in the UK has significantly increased since the…

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The Historic Andes Food Storage Techniques Fuelling…

Food processing techniques are generally thought of as new modern methods to ensure food lasts longer, producing higher yields and…

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Outsourcing the Pharmaceutical Product Lifecycle

Ongoing lifecycle maintenance of medium or large portfolios puts a tremendous resource strain on pharmaceutical companies. These activities are crucial…

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HACCP Plan 25 Years Later: Where We’re…

25 years ago, the FSIS issued its landmark final rule. Known as PR/HACCP was created to lower the risk and…

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Why Pharma Needs Digital Health Solutions in…

There’s an urgent need for the pharma and digital health industries to collaborate, improve patient monitoring and deliver more effective…

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