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Research & Development

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What Are The Best Sleeping Positions?

Everyone has a favourite sleeping position, even if they do choose to change it up every now and then. Dependent…

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What Causes Speech Delays?

If you have a child who is experiencing speech delays, you may be wondering what could be causing them. There…

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Weight Loss Injections — Fad or Solution…

Recent reports indicate that 28% of adults in England are obese and a further 36% are overweight. To combat the…

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Medicine Strategist of the Year – Switzerland

The world of biotechnology is one brimming with potential. There is so much that could be done, if the right…

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COVID-19 as an interoperability driver

EHR interoperability has become an omnipresent challenge. In 2020, before the pandemic struck, the issue got on the list of…

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Pioneering The Future of Effective Wound Care…

The multi-award-winning company, Kent Imaging Inc., is a leading Medtech firm based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The company’s technologies –…

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Community-Based Sites: Casting a Wider Net to…

Increasing diversity, inclusivity, and reach in clinical trials through companies like Inato is emerging as the antidote to publish or…

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Embrace Mental Health First Aiders for Better…

In recent years, mental health has moved up the agenda. From being a topic that was invariably brushed under the…

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Which Technologies are Helping Us Fight the…

The pandemic has had a major effect in our lives, and it still remains to be seen how much it…

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