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Personal Health & Social Care

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6 Ways To Deal With Pandemic Depression

The pandemic has left a significant impact on everyone's life right now. Public health officials are doing everything to keep…

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Can You Use Oil Instead of Moisturizer?

On the internet, you can find opinions stating that using oils comes at the expense of healthy skin. On the…

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Skin Hydration: Your Ticket to Healthier Skin

Whether combating dryness is your game and you’ve heard tell of hydration for years or you’ve got oily skin and…

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7 Reasons You Should Make a Personal…

Some people think that if you get injured in an accident that wasn't your fault, you shouldn't claim compensation. Perhaps…

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Benefits and Risks of Vaccination

Immunization is a serious health investment that must be considered carefully. Vaccines do save lives, but they’re not without risks.…

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Carrying the Burden: How a Lack of…

To say we’re in the midst of a mental health crisis is not an exaggeration. Mental health concerns have been…

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How Can Plants Help My Mental Health?…

In this current climate it is normal to feel anxious and overwhelmed, creating a plant space or filling each room…

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13 Potential Causes of Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a pervasive medical issue. According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, over 1.5 billion people all…

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Understanding CBD Oils: A Guide In 2021

With the world switching to natural methods to maintain health and wellness, products like cannabidiol (CBD) oil are gaining prominence…

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