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Personal Health & Social Care

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The Effects of Occupational Stress On Employee…

Stress is part of human nature – it’s the way our body naturally reacts to being under pressure. Some level…

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7 Ways to Reduce Your Acohol Intake

Cutting back on alcohol can benefit your mind and body in many ways. Maybe you’ve noticed that your one glass…

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The 5 Hormones Every Woman Needs to…

Female hormones act like gatekeepers regulating signals throughout the body. Hormones regulate a variety of activities including growth, development, reproduction,…

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Women Sleep Worse Than Men – 4…

The differing health needs of women are becoming more widely recognised. From adjusting our food intake around our menstrual cycle…

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Seasonal Affective Disorder – What Is It…

As we move towards the end of the year, the weather gets colder, and the days get shorter. The changing…

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What Can You Do if You Suspect…

The former is a condition that occurs when someone’s diet doesn’t contain the right amount of nutrients. It usually refers…

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5 Healthy Food Options to Feed Your…

Caring for an elderly parent can be a lot of work, but one of the job's most important parts is…

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Let’s Talk: Why the Construction Sector Must…

In England, one in six people will experience depression or anxiety in any given week. In recent years, a growing…

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5 Long-Term Effects of Injuries Caused by…

Truck accidents generally result in more serious injuries than collisions between passenger cars due to the sheer size and weight…

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