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Innovation & Medtech

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Allowing Clients to Breathe Freely

Having become well known for the sale of exemplary, innovative, and portable oxygen concentrators, ARYA BioMed has recently received the…

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Internationally Renowned Skincare with German Pedigree

Having been founded in the latter months of 2018, Forget About Age Cosmetics is a German company that has earned…

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How is IT Service Management Helping Improve…

  The healthcare sector is one of the industries today that is largely driven by knowledge. It is also one…

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Over 20 Years Later – Why the…

September 11th, 2001 is a date that will live on in the United States, and it is also a date…

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The Wound Closure Solution of the Future

With the effective treatment of wounds from sores to lacerations, Pathelen Health Care is the company behind the Pathelen Hybrid…

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Pioneering The Future of Effective Wound Care…

The multi-award-winning company, Kent Imaging Inc., is a leading Medtech firm based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The company’s technologies –…

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Healthcare Cyber Security Company of the Year…

An ‘Internet of Things’ platform that allows medical facilities to perform at peak efficiency without fear of cyber-attack, Cylera offers…

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Dedicated Developments

Cambridge-based medical device company Medovate – the ‘Best Medical Device Innovation Development Company – 2022’ for the UK, is a…

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New Material Paves the Way for Remote-Controlled…

Biomedicines are produced by living cells and are used to treat cancer and autoimmune diseases among other things. One challenge…

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