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Innovation & Medtech

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Tech as a catalyst to transform clinical…

Worldwide sales for prescription drugs are forecast to hit US$1.06 trillion in 2022 , increasing at an annual rate of…

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SynApps helps accelerate roll-out of NHS mobile…

8 Trusts are already in discussions to deploy its Veolity solution, which enables radiologists to review or validate 'lung MOT'…

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Seamless Identity and Access Management key to…

Leading analyst firm concurs that information security will play a key role in the digital transformation of the Healthcare sector

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Leading global healthcare booking platform DocPlanner raises…

The leading global healthcare booking platform DocPlanner has today announced the closing of a £80 million Series E financing round.…

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The improved health and safety measures in…

Each year, there are in the region of 1.2 million people killed on roads worldwide, with 50 million suffering injuries.…

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Best Hearing Aid Manufacturer 2019 ‘ USA…

InnerScope Hearing Technologies Inc. is a manufacturer and direct-to-consumer distributor/ retailer of FDA-registered hearing aids, personal sound amplifiers products and…

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£7.5bn (GBP)* saving on public health services…

Research conducted by Now Healthcare Group (NHG), has highlighted that the use of telehealth/digital consultations obviated the need for an…

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The New Oticon Opn Play’ Premium Hearing…

Oticon Opn Play' is a breakthrough in hearing care for children. Now children can get the benefits of world-renowned hearing…

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Online platform creates a unique online ‘safe…

Research published this week by the UK media regulator Ofcom, has revealed the extent of social media bullying on young…

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